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Dixie Chicks
I Believe In Love

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"I Believe In Love"

sung on America, A Tribute to the Heros

written by Martie Seidel, Natalie Maines and Marty Stuart

I was inspired to assemble this chord arrangement since it was sung on the benefit
for the victims of 9/11/01. A very moving song dedicated to those who are determined
to find love in their lives.....

Art Guerrero  - 9/1/02

I made a promise to myself
G7                        C
Locked it way deep down inside
Told my heart we'd wait it out
G7                     C
Swore we'd never compromise
Oh I'd rather be alone
G7          C
Like I am tonight
I'd settle for the kind of love
G7                            C
That fades before the morning light

Silence staring me in the face
G7                       C
And I finally heard it's voice
Seemed to softly say
G7                       C
That in love you have no choice
Today I got the answer
G7                           C
And there's a world of truth behind it
Love is out there waiting somewhere
G7                      C
You just have to go and find it

Eb     A11      C     Eb    A11        C
I    believe in love, I      believe in love
            F                 G7
Love that's real, love that's strong
          C            F
Love that lives on and on
    Eb     F        C
Yes I    believe in love

(Martie's fiddle) F  G7  C,  F  G7  C ...

Eb     A11      C     Eb    A11        C
I    believe in love, I      believe in love
            F                 G7
Love that's real, love that's strong
          C            F
Love that lives on and on
    Eb     F        C
Yes I    believe in love

    Eb     F        C
Yes I    believe in love    ... Eb  G7  C

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