People are Strange The Doors By Glen Word Em Am Em Am Em B Em People are strange When your a Stranger ... Women Seem Wicked When your unwanted .... down Em G B B When Your strange Faces come out in .... G B Nobody remembers your name When your strange ..... (Start Over again, repeat) Tab Start off with --------- Then strum down the chords and --------- then backup. --------- --------- -2------- ---0--3-- People are Strange from Strange Days by The Doors Transcribed and submitted by Aaron Herrnstein This transciption is an amendment to those posted by Glen Word and Serge Belongie ( It works best when played with two guitars. Start the song off with one guitar playing the tab I have listed below. At the chorus bring in a second guitar such that both are strumming the chords as suggested by Glen Word. Go back to the verse and have the second guitar strumming while the first guitar plays the tab. At the chorus, again have both guitars strumming. Now the guitar solo. Guitar 2 strums the chords to the verse as before while guitar one plays the solo posted and transcribed by Serge Belongie. Finally, go back to chorus with both guitars strumming. |--3--| indicates the three notes above are tripplets. If you don't read enough music to know this rythum don't worry about it. It is not that important. A7 -0- B7 -2- -2- -4- -0- -2- -2- -4- -0- -2- -0- -2- Em A7 --------|-----------------------------|--------------------------------| --------|-----------------------------|--------------------------------| --------|-------------0---------------|-------------2--0---------------| --------|---------2-----------2-------|------2---------------2---------| 2--0----|-----2------------------2--1-|-0-------------------------2--1-| ------3-|--0--------------------------|--------------------------------| People are strange when ..... A7 B Em ----------------------------|------------------------------| ----------------------------|------------------------------| ------2----------0----------|------------------------------| ---2-------2----------------|-------------1----------------| 0----------2--------0--1--2-|------2--------------2--0-----| ----------------------------|-2--------------0----------3--| faces look ug-ly when you're al... |--3--| Em A7 ----------------------------|--------------------------------| ----------------------------|--------------------------------| ------------0---------------|-------------2---0--------------| -------2------------2-------|------2----------------2--------| ---2-------------------2--1-|-0------------------------2--1--| 0---------------------------|--------------------------------| Wo-men seem wick-ed When ... A7 B Em ------------------------------|-------------------------------------| ------------------------------|-------------------------------------| --------2---------------------|------------------------0-----0------| ---2---------2-----2----------|----------1----------------2---------| 0---------------------0--1--2-|-----2-------------------------------| ----------------0-------------|--2--------------0-------------------| Streets look un- even When .... |--3--| Lyrics: Verse: People are .... Women seem .... Chorus: B7 When you're ... G B7 Faces come out of ... B7 When you're ... G B7 No one remembers ... B7 When you're ... B7 When you're s... B7 When you're s....
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