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Dan Fogelberg
Leader of the band (аккорды)

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From uunet agate sennet Fri Aug 21 10:33:28 PDT 1992
Article: 1695 of
Path: uunet agate sennet
From: [email protected] (Sennet Williams)
Subject: Leader of the Band SIMP
Date: 19 Aug 1992 09:45:10 GMT
Organization: U.C. Berkeley Open Computing Facility
Lines: 101
Distribution: world
Keywords: SIMP, Fogelberg, Cat Stevens

This song was recently posted, but it was in a format not easy for me to
play.  If the previous post worked for you, you should stop reading this
post now.  

Basically, I wanted to be able to play this song without memorizing it, 
and my ear is real bad, and my girlfriend wants it and is just starting
to play, so it had to be real easy.  Chords are printed with every line,
 You can skip the chords in ( ), and I moved the chords to where they
 sound right, not where the music says.  (this is SIMP format)

.        Leader of the Band - Dan Fogelberg
.          Intro: G7 C Am Em D G (C/G) G (C/G) G (C/G) G
G        (C/G)    G              Bm              C  
An ..
Am                        Em                    Am                 C    D
His ... 
G           (C/G)     G                Bm       C
He ..
.      Am            Em     Am    D7            G   (C/G) G (C/G) G (C/G) G
And ..
G      (C/G)   G         Bm             C  
A ..
Am                  Em                Am              C    D
He ..
G      (C/G)    G                          Bm               C  
He ..
.    Am              Em                      Am      D7      G  
His ...
 .    C                  Bm                  C                 G
 .    The ..
 .            Am                    Em                 Am            F    D
 .    But ..
 .    C                  Bm                  C                 G
 .    My ..
 .      Am              Em           Am       C        G   
 .  I'm ..
  .(C/G)  G  (C/G)  G  (C/G)  G
   G           (C/G)        G                 Bm             C  
   My ..
   Am              Em        Am          C    D
   One ..
   G          (C/G)  G          Bm             C  
   And ..
   Am              Em               Am       D7      G   (C/G) G 
   Living ..
   .        G7 C Am Em D7   G (C/G) G (C/G) G (C/G) G
   (no lyrics) 
   G          (C/G)     G              Bm             C  
   I ..
   Am                    Em             Am             C    D
   I ..
   G          (C/G)     G                Bm                 C  
   I ..
   Am               Em               Am       D7      G  
   And ...
   (Chorus followed by ending: )
   .               Am              Em           Am     C  D       G  
   .             I ..
   .                            (C/G)  G  (C/G)  G  (C/G)  G  G7 C Am Em D7 G
   Chord chart:
   Am      - 0 2 2 1 0           Bm      - 2 4 4 3 -           
   C       - 3 2 0 1 0           C/G     3 3 2 0 1 0           
   D       x x 0 2 3 2           D7      x x 0 2 1 2           
   Em      0 2 2 0 0 0           F       1 3 3 2 1 1           
   G       3 2 0 0 0 3           G7      3 2 0 0 0 1           
   originally posted by Chris Butler  SIMPed by Sennet                               
    What do you think of this format  If you like it, then SIMP
    (Stupidity Induced Music Page) format is for you.  I SIMPed this song
    because I want to play the song without spending a lot of time
    practicing/memorizing it, my ear is not good, and I wanted it in a form
    where I could play it correctly the even if I had not practiced it for
       I'm trying to get several hundred rock songs in this format.  If you
       are interested in cooperating, please Email me.  I currently have
       20 or 30 songs in the SIMP format, which I have found easier to
       play than any other format I have seen.
       SIMP format briefly:
       A: Chords printed with every line 
       B: It should be easily printable on 1 (sometimes 2) pages.
       C: Chord chart included.
       D: If some of the chord changes aren't really apparent, put them
          in ( ) so that some players can skip them
       E: You should be able to play it really easily
Does this sound like something you are interested in  If so, please
E-mail me.  If you're interested in bilaterally exchanging songs in SIMP,
I'll send you a list of what I have so far.

Happiness is a LEARNed condition   - Tom Robbins, from Another Roadside Attraction

[email protected]

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