Haven't tabbed anything in a while but here's my attempt at infinity milk, sorry that it's probably not 100% right. It's quite near though... Intro x4 e|------------------------------------| b|------------------------------------| g|------------------8--8-8-11-1111-13-| d|-9--9-9-8--8-8-11-------------------| a|------------------6--6-6-9--9-9--11-| e|-7--7-7-6--6-6-9--------------------| Main riff e|-----------------------------| b|-----------------------------| g|-----8---------11-8----------| d|---------11---------11-9-8---| a|---------------------------9-| e|-7-7-7-7-7--77-7--7-7--7-7-7-| e|--------------------------------------| b|--------------------------------------| g|--------------16-13-------16-13-------| d|-13s16s13-x-x-------14-13-------14-13-| a|-11s14s11-x-x-------------------------| e|--------------------------------------| on the second loop e|-------------------------------------------------|-----| b|-------------------------------------------------|-----| g|-----8---------11-11-----------------------------|-----| d|---------11---------11-11-11-11-9999999999999999-|-----| a|--------------------------------7777777777777777-|-----| e|-7-7-7-7-7--77-7--7-7--7--7--7--0000000000000000-|-7-7-| Scream x1 arghhhhh! And done. I'll work on the full version as soon as i get my hands on the album (i have a live copy but i'm sure it won't be the same as the cd version), and my appologies for any mistakes (i'm pretty sure that the second section of the main riff has a root note which plays where the 'x's are and also every time a note (ie. 16-13 on g) is played. I think its the 14th fret of A but I can't play that at the minute (fingers won't change fast enough) so I can't be sure.
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