#-----------------------------PLEASE NOTE-------------------------------------# #This OLGA file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation # #of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or # #research. Remember to view this file in Courier, or some other monospaced # #font. See http://www.olga.net/faq/ for more information. # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 15:44:22 -0400 From: "Scott Taylor"Subject: m/matthews_dave_band/little_thing.crd "Little Thing" from Live at Luther College Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds This song is fairly straightforward but the chords are difficult to play. I post Dave's stuff to get what I think are correct Tabs out to the playing community. So, good luck. Enjoy. Intro Figure Dave - acoustic guitar (Tim plays ad lib figures with effects) --------- ------- --------- ------- ---11---- --4---- these 2 bars played 6 times ---10---- --5---- ----9---- --6---- ----8---- --7---- I was in New York City, Verse - play intro figure 28 times and uh, I was walking down the street...... .....and I don't know where I was going. But always I love this-a.... Chorus ....way oh. My hands, a-pour my hands on you again (Dave and Tim both play this) --7----- ---7-- ------- ---------- --8----- ---8-- ---8--- ---------- -11----- --11-- --11--- --7---7--- --9----- ---9-- ---9--- --0---0--- --7----- ------ ------- ---------- -------- ---8-- --10--- --7---6--- repeat these 4 bars Hey, I will beg you, I'll beg, oh, see me, please find me again. Verse - play two bar figure 6 times Chorus - 4 bar figure 4 times Verse - 2 bar fig. 4 times Chorus - 4 bar fig. 2 times Outro - 2 bar fig - 2 times I lost her Tim - with delay effect (harm) --7-- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
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