MINARETS Performed by Dave Matthews Band (Stefan Lessard) On Remember Two Things Tabbed by Scott Pearson OK everybody. I'm sort of a newby at bass, I've only been playing for 5 months now and I'm getting through all the songs I have found on the internet. IT's time to tab MY OWN! If you apreciate this at all just E-Mail me! zkewlguy@hotmail.com AIM=zkewlguy I--------------------I I--------------------I I--------------------I I--------------------I I--------------------I I--------------------I I-0--0-0--0-0--0-0-3-I I-0--0-0--0-0--0-0-3-I I--------------------I I--------------------I I--------------------I I--------------------I I--------------------I I--------------------I I-5------------------I I-0--0-0--0-0--0-0-3-I \_________________/ I-------------I I-------------I A bunch of times I-7-7-7-7-5-5-I I-------------I I-------------I I-7-----------I Thats probly wrong but who cares I-------------I figure it out and send it to me, I-------------I then I will put revised by your name \_________/ on it Now here is what you were waiting for.. Isn't it beautiful I-----------------------------------------I I------11-9-8-7---------------6h7p6-------I I----9----------11-10-----7-8-------7-8-7-I I--7-------------------5------------------I or you could do this.... I---------------------------------------I I------11-9-7-6-5-4---------6h7p6-------I I----9------------------7-8-------7-8-7-I I--7-----------------5------------------I (yeah, I like this one better too!) Thats basically it ya just repeat that stuff throughout the song! Yay! If I missed anything, please tell me. I don't like playing things wrong. Thanks if you didn't get this off my webpage, please visit it! Http://www.angelfire.com/az/scotty/
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