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David Gray
Falling down the mountainside (аккорды)

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From: Jeff Chester 
Subject: g/gray_david/falling_down_the_mountainside.crd
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 14:57:24 -0400

Guitar Tablature for Falling Down the Mountainside by David Gray

Song: Falling Down the Mountainside
Artist: David Gray
Album:  Lost Songs
Version:  Album Version
Transcribed by: Jeff Chester (

I play this song tuned down a full step(i.e. D G C F A D)  Tune down to play 
this version along with the CD.  For simplicities sake I will write the 
names of the chords relative to the tuning ( hence when I write a C it will 
actually be an A#)  This is all my own work and may be freely distributed.

             C            Bm             G
D  ----------0-------------2-------------3---------------
A  ----------5-------------3-------------0---------------
F  ----------0-------------4-------------0---------------
C  ----------5-------------4-------------0---------------
G  ----------3-------------2-------------2---------------
D  ----------0-------------X------0------3---------------

Play this C Bm G progression two times.  I like to hit the open low E string 
between the Bm and G switch but it is not necessary.

       C  Bm  G  C  Bm  G  C  Bm  Em9  A  Am  Bm  Em
D  ----0---2--3--0---2--7--0---2---0---0---0---2---0-----
A  ----5---3--0--5---3--0--5---3---7---5---5---3---0-----
F  ----0---4--0--0---4--0--0---4---0---6---5---4---0-----
C  ----5---4--0--5---4--0--5---4---5---7---7---4---2-----
G  ----3---2--2--3---2--5--3---2---7---0---0---2---2-----
D  ----0---X--3--0---X--7--0---X---0---0---0---X---0-----

You can play these chords with their normal voicings if you like but I find 
these voicings fit well to the song and I've seen other instances where 
David uses inverted chords as well.  Play this progression once through then 
onto the Chorus

           Am              C              G
D  ---------0--------------0--------------3--------------
A  ---------1--------------1--------------0--------------
F  ---------2--------------0--------------0--------------
C  ---------2--------------2--------------0--------------
G  ---------0--------------3--------------2--------------
D  ---------0--------------0--------------3--------------

After the second chorus comes the bridge, it is as follows:
C  Bm  C  Bm  C  Bm  G    x2

       Am  C  G  Am  C  G  Am  C  G  Am  Bm  Em
D  -----0--0--3---0--0--3---0--0--7---0---2---0----------
A  -----1--1--0---1--1--0---1--5--0---5---3---0----------
F  -----2--0--0---2--0--0---2--0--0---5---4---0----------
C  -----2--2--0---2--2--0---2--5--0---7---4---2----------
G  -----0--3--2---0--3--2---0--3--5---0---2---2----------
D  -----0--0--3---0--0--3---0--0--7---0---X---0----------

So here is the whole song in a condensed version, listen to the CD to get 
the rhythm.

Intro:   C  Bm  G    x2

Verse 1: C   Bm  G     x2
         C   Bm   Em9   A    Am   Bm    Em

Chorus:  Am  C   G

Verse 2: C   Bm   G     x2
         C   Bm   Em9  A   Am   Bm    Em

Chorus:  Am  C   G

Bridge:  C   Bm   C    Bm    G     x2

Verse 3: C   Bm   G     x2
         C   Bm   Em9   A   Am   Bm    Em

Ending:  Am   C    G     x3
         Am   Bm   Em

Well, that's it, please send questions, comments, or additions to:

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