Bass tab for "Moon over Marin" by the Dead Kennedys from "Plastic Surgery Disasters" (Thanks to Juha Kivijarvi for tabbing out the guitar for this. I worked the Bass part out from that, so most of the credit must go to him (oh yeah, I stole his layout as well). Any suggestions? email me. Thanks, Nick) riff 1 (intro) G----------------------------- D----------------------------- A----------------------------- x2 E-------------3h5p4h5p4h5p4h5- (Guitar -> DDDD-A-------------) riff 2 G------------------------------------------------------------------- D------------------------------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------22222222222222225555555544444444- E--55555555555555553333333333333333--------------------------------- riff 3 G----------------------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------222222222222222255554444- E--55555555555555553333333333333333------------------------- G------------------- (not part D------------------- of riff) A------------------- E-55555555555555555- (Guitar ->-AAAAAAAADDDDDDDDD- where D is high) riff 3 The crowded.... riff 4 G------------------------------------------------------------------ D------------------------------------------------------------------ A----------------------------------222222222222222255554444-------- E--55555555555555553333333333333333------------------------55555555 Unlock.... ------------------------- ------------------------- 5555444477777777-7-7-7-7- ----------------0-0-0-0-- ...bathe... riff 2 riff 3 Another.. riff 4 O shimmering.. riff 2 riff 1 x2 riff 5 (pre-solo) G------------------ D------------------ x2 then x2 with double hits A------2---5-4----- E--0-5---2-----5-2- riff 6 (solo) G---------------------------------------------------- D---------------------------------------------------- A--------447744----------227744------------447744---- E--555555------7755333333------775555555555------7755 riff 7 G------------------------------------------ D------------------------------------------ A-55554444--------5555444477777777-7-7-7-7- E---------55555555----------------0-0-0-0-- riff 3 I squish... riff 4 I slip... riff 2 x2 riff 1 x3 riff 1 x3 but faster and last note is G# and slides up to A (see the guitar tab if you're not sure) I'm not sure about the bits at the end of riffs 4 and 7 but something different happens. I've tried to tab the rhythm out correctly but it might be wrong in some parts.If two notes are together (-55-) they're 16ths if they're one space apart (-5-5-) they're 8ths etc. Nick
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