Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 00:37:41 -0700 From: to the jungle my master Subject: d/death_from_above_1979/romantic_rights.btab it's a damn shame that i'm the first one to submit this tab. tisk tisk. I can't play bass, I don't even own a bass, and you guys needed me to help you out. it's a simple song that sounds great, but most simple songs do with the exception of iron maiden. up the irons intro w/distortion G--------------------------------- D--------------------------- A---------------------------- E-----3--1--1--1--3----- repeat til' it bridges to the main riff with a quick slide up the string play main riff bunch of times (i suck at math and i'm too lazy, ahem too busy to count. besides as long as you have the notes, that's all that matters. listen to the song for the rhythm......bitch). G------------------------------------------------ D----------------------------------------------- A----------------------8--6-------------------- E-----3--3--1--3------------8--3--5--6----- play chorus x4 G------------------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------------------ E-----0000000--5--6--0000000--11--12-------------- return to main riff repeat chorus again but PLAY IT ONCE AND ONLY ONCE LIKE THIS then do the other 3 times like you did previously. G-------------------------------------------------------- D-------------------------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------------------------- E-----0000000--11--12--0000000--5--6------ sooo it goes bunch of open e string, 11, 12, bunch of open e string, 5, 6, then { b.o.o.e.s, 5, 6, b.o.o.e.s, 11,12 } x3 then this part a wee bit G----------------------------- D---------------------------- A---------------------------------- E-----6--5--6-----6--5--8/11*----- *slide from the 8th fret to the 11th fret to make one sound finale G------------------------ D----------------------- A------------------------------------ E-----0--0--0--0--0--0--560----- you can send your money and praises to me a.k.a. B-Fresh at this is Brian contributing, thank you and good night. _________________________________________________________________
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