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Def Leppard
Too late for love

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Подбор прислал: niva
 From: [email protected] ()
 Too Late for Love
 By Def Leppard
 Off the album, Pyromania
 Transcribed by Rob Schenk
 [email protected]
 Solo rhythm
 			Too Late For Love
 			 by Def Leppard
 			from  Pyromainia
 First riff
 Play riff once than play over verse till chord markers.
 Somwhere in the distance, I here the bell ring, 
 Darkness settles on the town, as the children start to sing
 And the lady across the street , she shuts out the night,
 A cast on thousands waiting, as she turns out the light   but it's
 Too late, too late, too late, too late for love,
 Too late, too late, too late too late....
 Em                   C     D                Dsus4
 London boys are gazing, as girls go hand in hand
 D                    C          Em
 With a pocketful of innocence, the entrance is grand
      Em               C   D                   Dsus4
 The queen of the dream, stand before them all
 D                         C   Em
 She streaches out her hand as the curtain starts to fall, but it's
 Em      C D     Dsus4 D      C      Em
 Too late, too late, too late , too late for love
 Em      C D     Dsus4 D     C       Em
 Too late, too late, it's too late, too late!
 A5             C5A5            C5A5           C5A5             C5
  / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
 Transcribed by: ???
 For: Hal Leonard
 * From: James B     * The suburbs have no charms to sooth the restless dream *
 * [email protected] *  of youth.                           -- N. Peart       *
 * Coming soon--                                                               *
 *      Van Damme and Van Damme in  Van Damme Yankes                         *
 *                                                                -- MST3K     *
 -- TAB ftp site:   --

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[email protected]
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