------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You've Seen The Butcher - Deftones ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Matt Maisel Email: Rark0097@hotmail.com Tuning: 7 string drop-A, or 6 string tuned Drop-A. (A-e-a-d-g-b-e) If you are playing a 6 string, and you tune down for 7string drop-a, which is the 7-string equivalent of drop-d for a 6 string, your strings will be very loose, obviously, so when fingering each note, don't push too hard on the string or your note will be sharp and it won't sound right. Loose strings require a lot of finesse and a very slight amount of pressure in order to sound proper. In other words, don't bash my tab because you're holding your guitar like He-Man, or Whatever female counterpart you would relate to when doing the same. OK, the Intro Riff you'll hear is like this. It's just a simplified version of the main riff used throughout the song. Listen to the song for timing and strumming patterns. Palm mute the entire riff. e|-----------------------| B|-----------------------| G|-----------------------| D|-----------------------| A|-----------------------| E|-----------------------| A|-0-6p0-0-0-0----0-0----| When the drums kick in, the same basic riff as the intro is used, with some small variations. Again, listen to the song for timing and strumming patterns, but also for palm muting, which is almost constant, given such low notes, but not entirely... It goes like this.. e|----------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------| A|-0-6p0-0-9p0-0-0-0----0-0-----0-6p0-0-6p0-0-0-0----0-0----| What I will call the chorus goes like this... Again, Listen to the song for timing, strum patterns, and palm muting. Play the fill right at the beginning of the chorus, and then forget it exists. e|--------||-------------------------------------| B|--------||-------------------------------------| G|-FILL 1-||-------------------------------------| D|--------||-------------------------------------| A|--------||-------------------------------------| E|--------||-------------------------------------| A|-0-2h4--||-0-2h4--0-2-4--0-4-6--0-10-12-12-----| After the second or so chorus, you'll encounter this Riff. Again, it's the same basic riff played throughout the song, just with some small variations. Once again, listen to the song for timing, strum patterns, and palm muting...notice a pattern here? Play the fill at the beginning of this riff, and then forget it exists. It is however a crucial fill to include, though, because it is the actual transition from the chorus to this riff. e|----------------------||------------------------------------------------- B|----------------------||------------------------------------------------- G|--------FILL 2--------||------------------------------------------------- D|----------------------||------------------------------------------------- A|----------------------||------------------------------------------------- E|----------------------||------------------------------------------------- A|-6p0-0-6p0-0-0-0--0-0-||--0-6p0-0-0-0--0-0----0-6p0--0-6p0-0-0-0--0-0---- e|----------------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------------| A|-0-6p0--0-8p0--0-9p0-0-0-0--0-0------0-6p0--0-6p0-0-0-0--0-0----| And the last riff in the song, which I will refer to as the outtro, goes like this. Refer to the song for timing and strum patterns and palm muting. e|-----------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------| G|-----------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------| A|-0-6p0--0-8p0--0-9p0-0-0-0--0-0----| Every Riff in the song is notated above in order of encounter. I do not list the song progression, because on this album at least, you absolutely have to hear the song to understand several key factors in the guitar lines; timing, strum patterns, and palm muting. It's easy to listen to the song and scratch down on a piece of paper how many times each riff is played, and what riff is played when, so you can do that while you listen in for everything else. Very cool song. I know for a fact that Stephen uses a 7-string on this one though, just because it would be completely asinine to perform this song with such a low tuning on a standard 6-string, however, just for the sake of jamming out, it is easily a fun song to play, due to the simplistic nature of single string riffs that sound cool. Out of all the songs on the Diamond Eyes album, this is perhaps one of the easier songs to play, provided that you own a tuner that can recognize such a low note as a tuned down A. If not, tune your guitar to standard tuning, (E-A-D-G-B-e) and match your low-E 12th fret harmonic to your open string note, A. This should allow you to tune down with decent enough precision, and if you are unable to do that, just match it to the song's intro with the track running. Not too hard. I TABbed this out Mainly because when I purchased the album, I was already a huge Deftones fan. And being a guitarist, upon hearing songs that I enjoy listening to, I like to learn to play them as well, so I can jam out with one of my favorite bands, via some speakers and my amp :) However, at the time of this post, the album is a very recent release, and the only TABs I could find, even after hours of searching the net, were Guitar Pro TABs. Since I am not interested in purchasing the Guitar Pro software, I figured I would sit down and transcribe the songs that I was able to, so that other guitarists in search of a standardized tab for this song could rest easy in knowing that someone took the time to sit down and show them how. Cheers everyone. ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************
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