Received: from by (5.65c/M1.4) with SMTP id ; Tue, 23 Feb 1993 02:33:44 -0800 Received: from by id ; Tue, 23 Feb 1993 02:33:37 -0800 Received: by (5.65c/1.5-nau) id AA01354; Tue, 23 Feb 1993 03:07:08 -0700 Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1993 03:07:08 -0700 From: (Jay Sandhaus) Message-Id: To: Subject: Dramarama - Would You Like Would You Like -- Dramarama Listen to this song to get the rhythm right, the chords are easy. It's another weird 3-part chord for the first chord, then the others are all normal chords. 1st part of song (Beginning of each verse) Am, Am with 3rd fret B string added, Am without B string fingered, G, Em Chorus-type part of song (Would you like...) F, Am, G, Em It's really easy. I think you'd proabbly have to listen to the song to make sense of the weird way I explain things, but it really is easy. The words go something like this. Am, Am+D, Am, Am-C, G, Em Sitt ing in .... Am, Am+D, Am, Am-C, G, Em Let's go join .... Em F Am Would you like ... Am G Em Would you like to ... Lying in my own .... Living in a hovel's .... I hope someone likes this. If you actually do like it, drop me a line so I don't feel like I completely wasted my time typing it in. Jay ( -- Dramarama nuts, please write so we can trade stuff --
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