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Dream Theater
Peruvian Skies

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Em                 G     D/F#
There, there it is
   Em                                    G     D/F#
I swear he's gonna murder that poor kid
Em                      G     D/F#
Wait, I hear it again
    Em                                                 G     D/F#
You Don't turn on the lights until we Hear the way it ends
Am              Em    G                   D
Under Peruvian skies Vanessa regretfully waits
    Am                   Em    G                         F
The story unfolds in her eyes Where midnight hysteria's No big surprise
 Am                  Am7/G                Am/F#                      F
Battered and bruised Always confusing The love that she's losing for hate 
     Em       G   D/F#    Em     G   D/F#
Poor Vanessa Poor, poor Vanessa 
Em                      G     D/F#
Hey, I hope you know
     Em                                    G     D/F#
I'm taking all of this with me when I go
Em                          G     D/F#
Shame, you're not to blame
Em                                           G     D/F#
I'm the monster you created In your daddy's name
Am              Em    G                   D
Under Peruvian skies Vanessa regretfully waits
    Am                   Em    G                         F
The story unfolds in her eyes Where midnight hysteria's No big surprise
 Am                  Am7/G                Am/F#                      F5
Battered and bruised Always confusing The love that she's losing for hate 
       E5   F#5  G5 A5 B5  C5 D5 E5   E5     F#5  G5   F5  Bb5
Poor Vanessa              Poor,     Vanessa 
  E5       F#5  G5   A5 B5  C5 D5 E5 
Terror by night    Liar by day       
 E5         F#5  G5         F5        Bb5
Telling her secrets  Won't take them away.

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