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Dropkick Murphys
Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya

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Подбор прислал:
hi i just put the 1st verse and chours chords down but i put the rest of words down.

Em                      C           G                   
While going the road to sweet Athy, A-roo, Ha-roo,
Em                      C           G
While going the road to sweet Athy, A-roo, Ha-roo,
G                 D
While going the road to sweet Athy,
C                     B7
A stick in me hand and a tear in me eye,
Em        D     C    B7
A doleful damsel I did spy.
Johnny, I hardly knew ya.

G                        D
With yer drums and guns and guns and drums,
C           B7
The enemy nearly slew ya;
Em         C       D         B7
Me darling dear, you look so queer.
Johnny, I hardly knew ya.

Where are the legs with which you ran, A-roo, Ha-roo,
Where are the legs with which you ran, A-roo, Ha-roo,
Where are the legs with which you ran,
When first you went to carry a gun?
Indeed your dancing days are done.
Johnny, I hardly knew ya.

With yer drums and guns and guns and drums,
The enemy nearly slew ya;
Me darling dear, you look so queer.
Johnny, I hardly knew ya.
You haven't an arm, you haven't a leg, A-roo, Ha-roo,

You haven't an arm, you haven't a leg, A-roo, Ha-roo,
You haven't an arm, you haven't a leg,
You're an eyeless, noseless, chickenless egg,
You'll have to be put in a bowl to beg.
Johnny, I hardly knew ya.

With yer drums and guns and guns and drums,
The enemy nearly slew ya;
Me darling dear, you look so queer.
Johnny, I hardly knew ya.

How sad it is to see you so, A-roo, Ha-roo,
How sad it is to see you so, A-roo, Ha-roo,
How sad it is to see you so,
And I think of you now as an object of woe,
But Peggy'll still keep you on as her beau.
Johnny, I hardly knew ya.

With yer drums and guns and guns and drums,
The enemy nearly slew ya;
Me darling dear, you look so queer.
Johnny, I hardly knew ya.

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