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Grizzly Bear
Two Weeks

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Подбор прислал:
Please correct if your ears are better than mine. This was just born out of desperation 
having the song in my head for a week.

F Am (slide up to) C (these are all barre chords, and the F is high)

F               Am   C
Save up all the days
F           Am    C
A routine relays
F               Am
Just like yesterday
  C                F     Am C
I told you I would stay

Chorus: (sounds best if you hit the bass note, and strum/fingerpick the rhythm)
          Bb      F C
Would you always
       Bb         F C
Maybe sometimes
        Bb        F C
Make it easy
          Bb      F C
Take your time


Think of all the ways
Momentary phase
Just like yesterday
I told you I would stay

Every time you try
Quarter half the mile
Just like yesterday
I told you I would stay

Would you always
Maybe sometimes
Make it easy
Take your time

repeat last chorus a couple times and do only bass notes on the low E and A strings for 
first two lines

Другие подборы этого исполнителя

Расскажи друзьям! 2006-2014
[email protected]
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