You look so [Em]fine
I want to [Am]heart
And give you [G]mine
You're taking me [D]over
It's so in[Em]sane
You've got me [Am]chained
I hear your [G]name
And I'm falling [D]over
I'm not [Em]girls
I can't [Em}girls
I won't [Em]girls
That you used to [D]know
You look so [D]
[Am]Knocked down
[Em]Cried out
[G]find out
[Am]I'm through
I'm open [Em]wide
I want to [Am]home
We'll waste some [Em]time
You're the only one [D]for me
You look so [Em]fine
I'm like the [Am)tonight
Leave her [Em]behind
If you want to [D]show me
I'm not [Em]girls
I can't [Em}girls
I won't [Em]girls
That you used to [D]know
You're taking me [C]over
Over and [Em]over
I'm falling [C]over
Over and [Em]over
You're taking me [C]over
[C]one more time
[C]me tonight
[C]want to Do
[C]happy end
[C]let it show
[C]letting Go [3x]
[C]happy end [4x]
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