artist: The Get Up Kids song: Stay Gone album: On A Wire allright allright i know this tab isnt TOTALLY completed but its better than nothing. this is the only tab from on a wire besides "overdue" on this site so be happy. also, this is my first tab ever (besides moew mix). email me if u can figure out the chorus. ive figured out parts of it but not totally. by: Aaron Walker ( INTRO/VERSE (I'll fawn over photgraphs...) G}--------------------------------------------------------} D}--------------------------------------------------------} A}--5-xx-3-xx-2-xx--99-xx-------9-xx----7-9-7-5-0-5-7-9---} E}-------------------------7-xx---------------------------} AFTER FIRST VERSE (no words) G}------------------------------------------------} (i need help with D}------------------------------------------------} the little fills) A}---5>--3>--2>--0>-------------------------------} E}------------------------------------------------} PRE CHORUS (It's too long....) G}------------------|-----------------------------} (2x) D}------------------|-----------------------------} A}--5>---10>--9>----|--5>----10>--12>-------------} E}------------------|-----------------------------} CHORUS ?????? the get up kids are the greatest. besides FIVE IRON FRENZY!!!!!
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