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Graham Case
Peeping Tom

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Подбор прислал:
Peeping Tom

Music and lyrics by Graham Case


C         G                F
I look at you through your window, it's cold outside

C       G                 F
You see me and close your shutters

C               G             F
You pick up the phone and you call the police

C          G               F
That's the tenth time this month


F           G               C
Cause I'm a peeping tom you know

F          G      C
And I look at you through your window

F         G               C
And I'm a peeping tom you know

F                      G                  C
That time you got that restraining order, you really screwed me over

Same with all other verses and chorus's!

I have to stay 500 feet away from
It's a really shitty deal
So i found out your schedule
So I can bump into you at the mall

Cause I'm a peeping tom you know
And I look at you through your window
And I'm a peeping tom you know
One time I broke into your house, and stole all your photo albums so
    I'd have pictures of you to look at

Sometimes I wonder if you're worth it
All this trouble and these fines
Then I remember how beautiful you are
And how good it feels to think of you... when I masturbate!

Cause I'm a peeping tom you know
And i look at you through Your wondow
And I'm a peeping tom you know
And I'm a peeping tom
Расскажи друзьям! 2006-2014
[email protected]
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