I haven't found very many tabs of this classic online, and those I did find were confusing. I hope this one is easy for you to follow. Pretty simple progression, but a lot of fun to play along with. G--------------------------------- D--------------------------------- A-5-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55- E--------------------------------- I dont need a whole lots of money, I dont need a big fine car. I got everything that a man could want, I got more than I could ask for. G------------------------------ D------------------------------ A------------------------------ E-3-33-33-33-33-33-33-33-33-33- I dont have to run around, I dont have to stay out all night. G---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-----------------5-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55--55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55 E-3-33-33-33-33-3----------------------- cause I got me a sweet ... a sweet, lovin woman, and she knows just how to treat me right. G------------------------------------------------- D------------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------------- E-22-33-44-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-33-33-33-33-33- Well my baby, shes alright, Well my baby, shes clean out-of-sight. ------------ ------------ -22-33-44-5- ------------ Dont you know that shes G---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-55-55-55-5-----------3-4-5-55-55-55-5-----------3-4-5-55-55-55-5----------- E------------3-33-33-3------------------3-33-33-3------------------3-33-33-3- ... shes some kind of wonderful. Shes some kind of wonderful ... yes she is, shes, Shes some kind of wonderful, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhh ... G----------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------- A-5-55-55-55-55-55-55-55-5-55-55-55-55-55-55-55 E----------------------------------------------- Now is there anybody, got a sweet little woman like mine There got to be somebody, got a, got a sweet little woman like mine yeah G----------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------- A-5-55-55-55-55-55-55-55------------------------ repeat E------------------------7-77-77-77-77-77-77-77- Can I get a witness (repeat trought the rest of the song to the fade). ~~~~~~~~~~~ Subitted by ParaTed2k. Feel free to Email me with feedback. ParaTed2k@yahoo.com
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