Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 00:53:26 -0500 From: Jesse Aaron Subject: g/grateful_dead/ramble_on_rose.crd Grateful Dead's Ramble on Rose (Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter) Transcribed by I took this song from the Europe '72 Album. Jerry slurs his lyrics a bit, so listen closely if you want to figure those out. VERSE: (Just like Jack the Ripper') D E7 F#m G D A (x2 for each verse) CHORUS: (Did you say your name') D G E7 G D A D (x1) It sounds good if you walk up and down the bass string when going from G to E7 back to G. BRIDGE: (I've gone and seen you') Bm C (x3) D A E7 A (on the last line) Just listen to the song to get the rhythm right, nothing too hard about it.
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