From: Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 20:39:59 -0500 Subject: /pub/guitar/g/grateful dead/ship of fools.crd #----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file is a symbology interpreting an emotional instant in time that this file's creator has been fortunate enough to experience. It is the file creator's own symbology and is based upon the contemporaneous and recorded experience of the emotional instants in time entitled Ship of Fools by the creators of the experience and represents my reduction to symbols of the said emotional instants in time. You may use this file as you see fit to. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---## Ship of Fools (Robert Hunter-Jerome Garcia(rest easy jerry)) ------------- [NOTE: CAN (AND FOR AUTHENTICITY SHOULD) BE PLAYED A WHOLE STEP DOWN BY SUITABLE TRANSPOSITION TO THE APPROPRIATE BAR CHORDS (C--Bb, G--F, etc.) -- BELOW IS THE MOST CONVENIENT OPEN CHORD RENDITION FOR ACOUSTIC GUITAR.] IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't know the name of the chord labeled below; it is played: low E, A - not played D - 1st fret G - 2nd fret B - 1st fret high E - 2nd fret (It's like a DM7 but with a D# replacing the fundamental on the D string; it can also be played by moving up the neck so that the D and B string are played on the 4th, 7th, or 10th fret, keeping the same relative structure.) C G F C Went to see the captain, ... C EM7 F Em Dm G laid my proposition down... G F C Em Dm I won't slave for beggar's pay, ... (optional) F (D) C G F C but I would slave to learn the way to ... C G F C Ship of fools ..., C G F Am ship of fools ... Am It was later than I thought when ... F G F C Take your pick; G F C the boys have played it at least ... now I cannot share ... (same chord structure as above for the rest of the song) ------------------------------------------------------------ peace, kevin flood
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