Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 22:24:58 -0400 From: Vance Berisford Subject: g/gratitude/ Gratitute - Last Questions, comments, additions: vanceho[(at)] This song is in D and pretty much based around the Dsus2 chord. The two guitars in the little intro start off playing this chord and come back to it often throughout the song. You can play this in dropped-D if you want little heavier sound, especially if you throw the bottom D in on the Dsus2's and the D octaves. The lyrics below were taken from a lyrics site and I'm pretty sure they are wrong, but they look close enough for you to learn the song by. Chords used in this song: Dsus2 D5 D(octave) G5 E5 ---0--------------------------------------------------------------- ---3--------------------------------------------------------------- ---2-----7------7---------------------------------------------------- ---0-----7------x--------5----2---------------------------------------- ---------5------5--------5----2--------------------------------------- -------------------------3----0------------------------------------- The G5 and E5 sometimes sound like they are doubled with a second guitar playing an octave higher. The song pretty much sticks to those few chords. The only exceptions being the slightly-tricky verse part below and the bridge. Verse Fill 1: ------------------------------------------------------------0------- ------------------------------------------------------------3------- --7-(slide down to about 5- then-take your fingers off)----2------- x-----------------------------------------------------------0------- --5----------------------3--------------------------------(0)------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro: Dsus2 Verse Fill 1 x2 E5 Here we go again, beat and stuck up and spent and G5 Saving for rent on our Verse Fill 1 x2 E5 Blood red homes, Cos a dream with no color, G5 Well why even bother. D5 G5 E5 G5 D(octave)
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