Intro Lick 1: This is the acutual lick that he plays during the song G|----------------|| D|----------------|| A|-5-5---5-5------|| E|-----5----------|| Intro Lick 2: I Like to use this lick as a segway back into lick one. G|----------------|| D|---4-5-7--------|| A|-5-------5-5----|| E|----------------|| Verses: There are two ways to play this Verse Version 1 G|-----7-7-----7--|| D|-5-5-----7-7----|| A|----------------|| E|----------------|| Here's A Little Optional Segway G|----------------|| D|-8-7-6-5--------|| Then go back in to the verse A|----------------|| E|----------------|| Verse Version 2: G|----------------|| D|----------------|| In my opinion this sounds a hell of a lot better A|-----5-5-----5--|| E|-3-3-----5-5----|| Chorus: Chorus Version 1: G|-5-5---5--4---4-|| D|-----5------4---|| A|----------------|| Then Repeat this to fill out the chorus E|----------------|| Chorus Version 2: G|----------------|| D|----------------|| A|-3-3---3--2----2|| E|-----3-------2--|| That about wraps up another tab. For questions or comments e-mail me at [email protected]. Also still not accepting commentary from joe. You know who you are. ROCK ON
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