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Guided By Voices
Echoes myron (аккорды)

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Подбор прислал:

From: [email protected] (jeffnmoe)

  		'Echoes Myron' by Guided by Voices
  		   from the album 'Bee Thousand'
     The guitars are tuned a little sharp on this one, but not enough
     to use a capo. Twist your pegs up until that opening G 
     sounds right.
     This is how my aged ears heard the song, but I'm not totally
     confident about the chords at the end...sometimes its hard to
     hear through that lo-fi production...corrections are welcomed.

           A     - x02220   D  - xx0232
           B     - x24442   E  - 022100
           Bm    - x24432   Em - 022000
           Bm/F# - 224432   F  - 133211
           C     - x35553   G  - 320003
    (intro: G - Bm/F# - B - C - G - Bm/F# - B - C) 

    G   Bm/F#  B     C        G  Bm/F#   B   C
   tower to    the skies   an ...
        Bm       Em        A         D
   and what goes up surely ...
          Bm              Em               A            D
   and we felt the mighty blow up ...
      E                  C  D
   or something like that
   G       Bm/F#  B          C        G  Bm/F#   B       C
   most of us     are quite ...
      Bm        Em           A        D
   and all of a sudden I'm ...
        Bm            Em         A          D
   with everything to ...
   or something ...
    Bm      E         Bm      A
   man of wisdom  and ...
    Bm      G              C       D
   man of weak flesh in ...

   all fall down

   G - Bm/F# - B - C (play this progression 4x)

          C              G            Em
   if its right you can tell   ...
         F                         G
   with endurance like ...
   and he tells you ...
   but he's cracked up ...
            Em                             C
   and he'd like to lift us up ...
             G         Em                 C    Bm  C
   and we're finally here   ...
              G      Em                 C   Bm   C
   and shouldn't it be    or ...

   ....questions, comments and corrections to [email protected]


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[email protected]
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