Аккорды подобрал сам По моему, получилось очень даже неплохо. Извините, но вступление и соло как-нибудь в другой раз. D Shes got a smile that it seems to me C Reminds me of childhood memories G Where everything D Was as fresh as bright blue sky D Now and then when I see her face C She takes me away to that special place G And if I stared too long D Id probably break down and cry A G D Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh Sweet child o mine A G D Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh Sweet love o mine Далее аналогично первому куплету Shes got eyes of the bluest sky As if thought of a rain I hate to look into those eyes And see an ounce of pain Her hair remind me of a warm safe place Where as a child Id hide And pray for the thunder and the rain To quitely pass me by GNR forever
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