Utterly contentless song, but I had only been playing for a few months when it came out and I did learn a lot about key changes figuring it out. -- AWR Say I Am (What I Am) (George Tomsco) Intro: [4X: w/guitar and cymbal; bass enters 2nd time; drums enter 3rd] F# B C# B v v v v v v v v -/-----/-/-/---/-|-/-----/-/-/---/-- (ooh ahh ooh ahh) Verse: F# B C# B If .. F# B C# B Say, .. F# B C# B If .. F# B C# B Say, .. F# B C# B If .. F# B C# B Say, .. F# B C# B Well, .. F# B C# B Say, ... Chorus: B E B E Whoa... .. B E (Shake .. B E (Shake .. B E (Shake .. B E (Shake .. C# F# (Shake ... C# F# (Shake .. C# F# (Shake .. C# F# (Shake, .. D# G# (Shake, .. D# G# (Shake, .. D# G# (Shake, .. D# G# (Shake, ..) (G#) G [1: Hey ] [2: Come on now] [repeat intro chords w/full band (2X)] [repeat verse] [repeat chorus] Coda: F Bb (Shake, ..[4X] G C (Shake, ..[4X; fade 3rd time] -- another ace 60's tab from Andrew Rogers
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