Received: from udavxb ( []) by (8.6.4/8.6.4) with ESMTP id WAA14641 for ; Wed, 16 Mar 1994 22:00:26 -0800 From: Received: from by (PMDF V4.2-10 #2481) id ; Thu, 17 Mar 1994 00:57:54 EDT Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 00:57:54 -0400 (EDT) Subject: /pub/guitar/j/Jethro.Tull/BackToTheFamily TAB To: Message-id: X-VMS-To: MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Back to the Family -- Jethro Tull (Stand Up) Capo 2, or transpose up 1 full step. Lyrics not guaranteed Intro Lick: C G Em A Asus2 e|---------------|---------------|----------------|---------------|---0-- B|---------------|---------------|----------------|---------------|---0-- G|--0h2-p0----0--|---------------|----------------|---------------|---2-- D|---------------|--0h2-p0-------|--0--------0h2--|------------2--|---2-- A|--3-----------|------------3--|-----------0h2--|--0---------0--|---0-- E|---------------|--3-----------|-------3--------|-------3----0--|------ x x x x x x x x x x x x Lick #2: This one is played behind most of the verses, during the 'G' chord. The tab below assumes you're playing an open G (300023); just work this pattern into your finger-picking, if any. It also sounds nice when moved down an octave, but you need to go to dropped-D tuning. e|----------------|----------------| (Played twice behind 1st B|--0--0h1--0-----|----------------| line of each verse) G|-------------2--|--0--0----------| D|----------------|--------0h2--0--| A|----------------|----------------| E|----------------|----------------| Verse 1: G My telephone wakes me in the ... F C G F C G So I think I'll go back to the family... Verse 2: G Living this life has its problems... F C G F C G Oh, I'm going back to the family,.... Repeat intro lick, then: Am C D C Master's in the counting house... D C Sister's sitting by the .... G Bb C D And here am I thinking to myself.... Solo 1 (bass/flute) Alternate D amp; C, then end on Asus2 Verse 3: G I think I enjoyed all my problems, ... F C G F C G Oh, I'm going back to the family, ... Verse 4: G I'll get a train back to the city. ... F C G F C G There's more fun away from the family, get .... Repeat intro lick, then: Am C D C Everything I do is wrong. ... D C Phone keeps ringing all day long.... G Bb C D And every day has the same old .... Solos (bass/flute, then guitar, then all fade) D C D C ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments/corrections to: (Bob Brockman)
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