From: MY GOD Jethro Tull from: Aqualung, 1971 Transcribed by: (Bob Brockman) Corrections welcome (please email) - Thanks. Notes: 1. On the Aqualung album, a lot of the guitar is covered over by the strong piano parts. I gleaned most of the guitar background from a bootleg recording on which this cut consists pretty much of Ian Anderson and acoustic guitar. Might be a little different from what's played on the album. 2. My naming of a couple of the more bizarre chords might be off; if my ignorance is showing, someone let me know (gently) where I'm all wet. 3. The lyrics below are different in 2-3 places from the ones printed in the album liner notes; this happens in spots where I'm pretty sure the liner notes are off. Intro: e|----------------|--------------------|| B|----------------|--------------------|| G|----------------|--------------------|| D|---7-----------7|----7---7---7--5-h7-|| A|-0--------------|--0---0---0---------|| E|----------------|--------------------|| let ring | repeat several times, at increasing tempo Am B7/A e|----------------|----------------| B|-5--------------|-4--------------| G|-5--------------|-4--------------| D|-7--------------|-7--------------| A|-0--------------|-0--------------| E|----------------|----------------| Repeat to this point 2x finger pick in let ring this position for a while... e|---------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------2--------2-s4--------| D|------------------------0-2-3--------3---s5----5---| A|-0---0------------0-2-3----------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------| let ring Verse 1: Part 1: This part can either be strummed (muting both E and e) or finger-picked. The Aqualung album version seems to be mostly strumming, but it's almost overpowered by the piano part once that starts. On the bootleg, Anderson finger-picks it, and it sounds really nice. If you do finger-pick it, throwing in a little of the high 'e' string sounds good -- play with it and see. Am B7addE/A DmaddE/A E7/A Am e|--0-------------------------4-----0-----| Repeated twice as intro, B|-10--0------------6---------5----10-----| before piano line begins. G|--9--8------------7---------4-----9-----| Then repeated throughout D|-10--7------------7---------0----10-----| first part of each verse. A|--0--0--------0---0---------0-----0-----| See below for timing. E|----------------------------------------| Here's how it lines up with the lyrics: Am B7 Dm E7 Am Am B7 People, what ... Dm E7 Am Am B7 Dm E7 Am Locked Him in His .... Am B7 Dm E7 Am Am B7 Made Him bend to ... Dm E7 Am Am B7 Dm E7 Am B7 Dm E7 Him resurrected ... Part 2: Chords, all strummed: D G He is the God of ... C G Am B7 Dm E7 Am Am B7 Dm E7 If that's all ... D G You are the God .... C G D CaddD D ( CaddD = XX0030 ) He's inside ... Verse 2: Am B7 Dm E7 Am Am B7 So lean upon .... Dm E7 Am And don't call on .... Riff #1 e|--------------------------| This riff replaces the Am - B7addE/A etc. B|--------------------------| chord progression for the remainder of G|--------------------------| the verse. There are a couple of minor D|--------------------------| variations here and there, very simple. A|--7--6------5-3-----------| E|---------------5-0-3-5----| ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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