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Joe Walsh
The confessor (табулатура)

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Walsh Joe The Confessor
 Tabbed By Tim Kilpatrick
 First Half of Song Open D DADF#Ad
 Second Half Standard E EADGBe

 The song starts with a synth. Then the guitar starts 1:20 there is a Flanger on
the guitar. Each measure  represents  4/4 time. This part of the must be  played
in open D. This is the best that I could .

1:20                                                                   1:40
|------ ---- |---0-----|---0-----|- -------- |---0----|---0-- -------0-|
|--------- - |-- ------ |---0-----|-- - ------|- ---- --|---0--- ------0-|

|----------------- -|--------------------|-----------------------------|
|------------------ |--------------------|-----------------------------|
|------------------ |--------------------|-----------------------------|
|------- 0---0---0 |-3-p-0---0--- --- |--3-p-0-------------------------|
|--3 / 5---5---5-- |---------5---3 / 5-|------------5-- 5-p-3  / 12-- -|
|----------------- -|--------------------|----------------5-p-3  / 12--|

|-----------------|---------------------   -|----------------------------|
|-----------------|-------------------   ---|----------------------------|
|-------0---0--0-|-3-p-0---0----- -0-  -|- 3-p 0-------------------------|
|-3 / 5---5---5-- |  ------5---3 / 5-- 5- | --------5---5-p-3---3-p-0----|
|------------------|----------------------  ------ ------ 5-p-3---3-p-0----|

|--------0--0-0 |3-p-0--0- - --  0- - -|--3-p-0-------------------0---------|
|--3 / 5--5--5- |------ 5---3 / 5---5--|---------5--5-p-3 / 12---0--- ------|
|----------------|-----------------------|-------  ----5-p-3 / 12-----------|

|------------------- |-----------------------|----------------------------------0-|
|-------0—0---0--|---3 p 0-  0  --0---0-|--3- p 0-------------------------0---|
|--3 / 5--5—5----|---------5----5----- -|-----------5 p-3---3 p 0---------- --|
|-------------------|---------------------   |-----------5-p-3---3-p0-------------|

|-------0--0--0-|---3 p 0---0---0- |------0--0--0--|--3 p 0---0----- -----0-------  |
|-3 / 5---5--5- |------5---3 / 5-- -|-3 / 5--5--5-- -|--------5—3 / 5-- 5----------- ---|

|---------------------------|-------0---0-----0|-3 p 0-----0------0|--------0---0-------0|
|--3-h-5--5-p-3--3-p-0-|--3 / 5--5--3 / 5- |-------------3 / 5---|--3 / 5---5-  -3 / 5-- |


Now Starts the Lyrics  2:42

If you look at your reflection in the bottom of the well

  What you see is only on the surface

When you try to see the meaning,    hidden underneath.

The measure of the depth can be deceiving
|-0------------------------------------|--4-----------4----------------- --- -----|
|-0------------------------------------|--5-----------5------------------ --------|
|-3------------------------------------|--0-----------6------------------- -------|
|-5------------------------------------|--0-----------0------------- ----- -------|

                                           The bottom has a rocky reputation

|-----------------------------|----------0----0----|-3-p-0---0-------0--- 0-------|
|--3-h-5---5-p-3—3-p-0- |---3 / 5----5----0- |--------5---3 / 5-------------------|
|--3-h-5---5-p-3---3-p-0- |---------------------|---------------------------------|

You can feel in the distance,      the deeper down you stare.

  From up above it` s hard to see but   you know when you` re   there.

On the bottom words are shallow on the surface talk is cheap.

You can only judge the distance by the company you keep

In the eyes of the confessor.
|----------------------------|--------0---0---0 |--3-p-0---0-------0----------|
|--3-h-5---5-p-3--3-p-0  |--3 / 5---5---5-- |---------5----3 / 5------------------|
|--3-h-5---5-p-3--3-p-0-| -------------------|------------------------------------|

The song changes to Standard tuning E .  At least only rthymn   part. The solo could be open
E. Sorry I don` t  know how to tab that Awesome solo. This is my first time for a computer
tab. It was a challenge for me to to what I did and thanks to every Tab everyone has posted
one you ROCK      My email for comments or corrections which
some are need and welcomed. I leave you with rhythm track .Rock on dudes and dudetts
 4:05                                                         4:51     4:57
| 9- ----|--long drum part with singing|- 9---|--2- 2----2-2----2---2-----7---------------------|
|-9------|-----------------------------------|--9--  |--2--2----2-2----2---2---- 7---7-- 2------|
| 7----- |-----------------------------------|--7--  |- 0--0----0-0----0--- 0----5---7---2------|
|--------|-----------------------------------|-------|----------------------  -----------5-- 0--|

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