F-stop Blues by: Jack Johnson tabbed by Kevin Todd Good song. listen to it to figure out the rythm. I think the basic chords are E5, G#5, A5, B5. he does some slide thing. Slide up on every new chord. He mixes in some variations of that pattern too.I don't know how it's exactly played. Hopefully someone will see this and put the correct way to play it on here. e -----------------------------------------| B -----------------------------------------| G -----------------------------------------| D --22-/-66-/-77-/-99----------------------| A --22-/-66-/-77-/-99----------------------| E --00-/-44-/-55-/-77----------------------| Other parts just go e-------------------------| B-------------------------| G-------------------------| D--66-/-77--66-/-77-------| A--66-/-77--66-/-77-------| E--44-/-55--44-/-55-------| that's about all I got. sorry.
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