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Jake E Lee
Joes blues (табулатура)

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Received: from athmail1 ( []) by (8.6.4/8.6.4) with SMTP id LAA20028 for ; Thu, 10 Feb 1994 11:16:07 -0800
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To: [email protected]
Subject: /JakeELee/ (corrections)
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 18:35:54 GMT
From: Tom Petty 

Thanks most go to Jason Kat for transcribing this most excellent
song. However there are a few mistakes.....

Corrected Vsn:

Written by Jake E. Lee

Here is the tablature for Jake's acoustic solo on Badlands' 'Voodoo Highway'.
For those of you interested in finger-picking, this will be an excellent
Notice how the moving bassline can create the illusion of two guitars.
BTW, don't try playing this with a pick unless you can adapt it for
hybrid picking.
Pay attention to syncopation and dynamics ie. know when to play loudly
and when to play softly.

  h - hammer-on
  p - pull-off
  B - bend full step
  r - release bend half-step
  / - slide
(x) - x note is not picked/plucked

Intro licks omitted (I prefer to play my own ones)

     +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +     +   +    +   +

     +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +     +      +   +  +

     +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +         +  +   +   +     +   +  + +
                                                                   long slide

                                               *---------See end----------*
     +   +   +   +     +    +   +    +         +   +   +   +     +   +   +

    +             +   +   +   +    +   +   +    +       +   +   +   +

    +    +     +    +    +    +   +   +     +    +   +   +     +

   +      +       +        +    +       + +

* NB This bar-and-a-half phrase is quite difficult to play in terms of left
hand fingering. Here is the fingering I found most helpful (with practice).
(You may find the size of your hand or the shape of your guitar neck make
this tricky so feel free to find another way of doing it)

 ===========     +   +   +   +     +   +   +
 | | | | | |   |-----3---3-0-----|-3---3-0---       T = Thumb
 T 1 | | 2 |   |-----3---3-2-----|-3---3-2---       1 = 1st finger
 3 | | | 4-4   |-----------------|-----------       2 = 2nd finger
 | | | | | |   |-----------------|-----------       3 = 3rd finger
               |-0---2---0-------|-0---2---0-       4 = 4th finger
       LH fing-      4   4         4   4 
                     4   4 2       4   4 2
                     1                 1
                             T 3 

Transcribed WITHOUT referance to ANY pulished material.

Jason Kat

Paul Hutchinson.

Расскажи друзьям! 2006-2014
[email protected]
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