jaL - Teri Yaad tabbed by irtiza shafaat. corrections/shit, contact me at, irtiza_shafaat@hotmail.com done in a different key from normal, sounds exact and has a plus point that the vocalist find it easier to sing in this this key. E--7s12-12-12-12s8-8-8-10-8-7--7h8-7-5-3-2-0-0--0-0-2-2h3-10-| B------------------------------------------------------------| G------------------------------------------------------------| D------------------------------------------------------------| A------------------------------------------------------------| E------------------------------------------------------------| E--7s12-12-12-12s8-8-8-10-8-7--7h8-7-5-3-2-0-0--0-0-2-2h3---| B---------------------------------------------------------3-| G-----------------------------------------------------------| D-----------------------------------------------------------| A-----------------------------------------------------------| E-----------------------------------------------------------| Am G teri yaad, ayay jab mujh ko F mein laut aaon ga Am G woh bheegi raat, aur baarish howay F mein bheeg jaaaon ga G ho hoo hoo..... Dm Am Faasley, Simat Na Sakay Dm Am Raastay Jo Mit Na Sakay G F In Faaslon Ko, Simatnaa Hai G F In Raaston Pay, Chalnaa Hai Am G Yeh Dil Ki Baat, Koi Jaan Na Jaanay F Am Mein Keh Jaaon Ga, Woh Teray Saath G F Guzaaray Lamhay, Naa Bhool Paaon Gaa G Ho Ho Hoo.... Same Chords Pattern for the next verse, honestly, i'm too lazy to type the lyrics, and the solo, i'm in no mood to tab it out, it's real easy, typical jal solo, based on a tune.oh, and thought this would help, goher uses a delay pedal on the solo, for those who want an exact sound.if you need to learn the exact solo,give it ten odd minutes of patient and you'll be able to do it. hope this would help.constructive criticism is accepted, anything else, you might as shove it up like an armpit slurping squirrel. ciao. p.s i'm no huge follower of this band, just liked the melody of this song though.and nothng wrong in that. support my band, Pinnacle Of Lapse.rock on \m/
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