okay this isnt the whole song but its most of it theres a few parts i cant quite figure but this is what ive got so hope you like it. id prefer to think of my tabs as guide follow it but play the song to how you think it is. THE BASS COMES IN WHEN THE DRUMS DO \/=slide up and down >=tremelo picking ~=let ring intro (the rhythm is easy) f|------------------| C|------------------| G|------------------| X4 C|--0000--0000-1111-| (dont know this nit here sorry) f|------------------| C|------------------| G|------------------| X4 C|--3653-5875-------| >>>> >>>> transition to next bit f|------------------| C|------------------| G|------------------| C|--\0~~~-----------| f|------------------| C|-------------8-7--| G|--5-4-5-1-4-5-4---| C|------------------| >>>>>>>>>>>>>> (dont know this little bit here) transition f|------------------| C|------------------| G|---5--4--5--6--5--| C|--0--0--0--0--0---| > > > f|---------------------------| C|---------------------------| G|-----654----543---654--6--5| C|--000----000---000----0--0-| > > f|------------------| C|------------------| G|--548757--54875---| C|------------------| >>>>>> >>>>> f|------------------| C|------------------| G|----548757---54875| C|--00-------00-----| f|------------------| C|------------------| G|----548757---54875| C|--00-------00----0| f|------------------| C|------------------| G|---6-5-6-5-4-3-4-3| repeat lots C|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| > > > > > > > > f|----------------------| C|----------------------| G|---6-5--6------4-3--4-| repeat a few times C|--0-0-00------0-0-00--| > > > > > > theres that little drum interlude (theres a little fill at the end of every second one and i dont no it so i just play a from like the 12th fret down when it happens) f|------------------| C|------------------| G|---5---5-5--------| C|--0---0-0-00-4313-| > > > >>>> (the last time you play this to end it) f|--------------------| C|--------------------| G|---5---5-5----------| C|--0---0-0-00-44-4411| > > > >>>> f|-------------------| C|-------------------| G|-------------------| C|--11-1-111-33-3-333| repeat a few times then do this transition to next bit f|-------------------------| C|-------------------------| G|-------------------------| C|--3-5-7-9-10-12-14-15\4-1| f|------------------| C|------------------| G|------------------| C|--0~~-5~4~--------| f|------------------| C|------------------| G|----55-55-1010-99-| repeat this a few times C|--00--0--0----0---| then it comes in with that sick as quik bit f|------------------| C|------------------| G|------------------| C|--143130----------| >>>>>> add these slides the second time through f|------------------| C|------------------| G|------------------| C|--1/7\-1/12\------| f|---------------------| C|---------------------| G|---------------------| C|--5555-4444-8888-7777| f|--------------------| C|--------------------| G|--------------------| C|--5-4-1-0---5-4-8-7-| > > > > > > > > f|------------------| C|------------------| G|------------------| C|---0~~~-----------| f|----------------------| C|----------------------| G|---5040--504050--5040-| C|--0-----0-------0-----| (^^^^^^theres a little fill at the end of every one and i dont no it so i just play a from like the 12th fret down when it happens) this is played in the back ground f|-----------------------| C|-----------------------| G|-----------------------| C|--0~~-9~-5~---0~~-8~-5~| please rate :)
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