------------------- ***Kill You-Korn*** ------------------- 5-string bass in dropped-A tuning (A,E,A,D,G) Slap all notes INTRO A|--------------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------| A|--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--| PRE-CHORUS A|--------------| E|--------0-----| A|--3--2-----0--| CHORUS A|------------------------------------ E|------------------------------------ A|--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X... Keep the same rhythm as the drums BRIDGE A|--------------------------------| E|--------------------------------| A|--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| OUTRO G|--9-------------------9--10--9---------12-----| D|-----10--9----------------------9--10---------| A|------------10--------------------------------| E|----------------7-----------------------------| A|-------------------0-----------------------0--| Lyrics Living life Don't you cry My life Pains God Many nights Painful thoughts of her Yell at me Again I'm wrong In denial Tried to be your friend Tried to be A good boy All I see A hate deep inside Starving me Someone save me All these memories in my heart They bury me All I wanna do (You are not my real mother) Is kill you (Should I beat and stab and fuck her) Looking back I was never ever right You were my [set] Mommy always wanted me Out of your sight I will come Walking in And I say hello But you slap me And you make some fucked up quote about my clothes But I tried to let it pass But the visions in my head Were with you With a knife Up your ass Laying dead So I pop some more Caps in your ass Not your son inside so far Mother Fucking Bitch Never try to play me. You made my life Not so... Wish you were dead, now How can I cry over someone I never loved So how can I cry over someone I never loved transcribed by max asare
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