Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 23:37:20 -0500 From: Randall Hamilton Subject: l/limp_bizkit/ I emailed James and we came to an agreement on how the main riff goes. - Randall ([email protected]) Song: Hold On Artist: Limp Bizkit Album: Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water Tabbed By: James Cantrell ([email protected]) Minor Corrections by: Randall Hamilton ([email protected]) and James Cantrell ([email protected]) This is my first time tabbing a song so bare with me,but this song is cool and very easy to play. I have included the main parts,but there are a few little extra things within the song that you can figure out. These tabs are all my own so they may not be exact but the are as close as youre going to get. So here ya go: Standard Tuning Key: h = hammer on p = pull off b = bend r = release (6b7r6 means play 6, bend to 7 and release back to 6) Main Riff: e|----------------------------------------------- B|----------------------------------------------- G|----------------------------------------------- D|-----6---6---6---6-4h6-----6---6---6---6-6b7r6- A|----------------------------------------------- E|---4---2---9---7---------4---2---9---7--------- Verse: e|----7----5-----------------------------7----5------------------------------ B|-----------8-7-6-5--7----6-7-6-5-4----------8-7-6-5--7----6-7-6-5-4 G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ok heres something they do on the first verse played and only the first verse.right after they do the verse riff above they do this: ( ill call it extra riff 1 ) e|----7----5-----5----12----11 B|------------7------------------ ok then they do this ( this is kind of strange. just jump from note to note. ill call this extra riff 2 ) e|------5-7 (repeat this a few times.) B|---7------7 Note: remember all that starting at # was only on the first verse. the rest is just the normal verse riff Chorus ( mostly the main riff but theres a little more guitar played which im showing here ) e|---2-1-2------------------------2-1-2---4 Break Down: first guitar plays Main Riff twice second guitar starts playing verse ( 1 ) while guitar one keeps playing main riff then second guitar adds extra riff 1 and extra riff 2. second guitar plays verse again 2 times then chorus while guitar one still plays main riff ( guitar one will play main riff through the whole song) second guitar stops and first guitar plays main riff 1 time second guitar plays verse 4 times then chorus 2 times first plays main riff 5 times then second starts playing chorus 2 times then gets louder and does it 4 times then first guitar ends it out with main riff and second guitar does a few more notes then softly plays verse while song fades and ends. sorry that was so confusing but it was the best i could explain it. And there ya have it. Hold on by Limp Bizkit. Its a great song so get the cd and listen to it to get the timings right and stuff. Any questions e-mail me at [email protected] later.
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