Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 12:42:53 -0500 From: Rick Sitgreaves Subject: p/puddle_of_mudd/ Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry (Harmonic Intro) 1.Tune down 1/2 step. 2.Let the root notes ring on the A string. 3.Use natural harmonics on the D,G,B,E, strings ROOTS = A string + 3,5,7 frets Harmonic = Lightly rest the Fatty Pad of your finger on top of a fret until in makes a bell tone, You will have to work a little harder on D-4 Personal Note: You really have to practice this awhile to get it to sound right. I suggest that you get the pattern in your head before you take on the whole thing. Learn just the first 4 bars and repeat them over and over until you start to feel and hear how the pattern goes. It just repeats itself with the other 2 root notes. If you are looking for instant success with this song GOODLUCK. This one is a P.I.A. If anything it will give you a lesson in HARMONICS... Rick Sitgreaves ( E||----------------------|----------------------|----------------------| B||----------------------|-------5--------------|-----------------5----| G||------------5---------|------------5---------|--5-------------------| D||-------4---------5----|----------------------|-------5--------------| A||--3-------------------|--3--------------3----|------------3---------|
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