--------------------------------- |artist.....the pillows..........| |song.......Advice (FLCL version)| |album......FLCL OST 1: Addict...| |released...2000.................| ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | |Tabbed by ALEX ATHERTON (DAMNYOUSPYVAN) [[email protected]] | |Date 8.30.2003 | ------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: (if you are a good guitarist and can pretty much figure the song out on own theres really no need for you to read this long long paragraph just skip to the tab if you want to understand the things added to make this song easier to learn i'd suggest you read away!) becasue this is my first tab, im going to offer some insight on this file. the FLCL of advice is basically a long fast (and INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!!!) guitar solo with bass, and rythm backing of course. what im trying to get at is there are no lyrics) for the sake of making this musical masterpiece easy to learn im am 1st: breaking the songinto parts the "solo" parts (the parts that are the crazy, fast riffs), and the"melody" parts (the parts that contain a more musical and melodius [duh!^_^] value.) if at first you cant tell which parts im talking about just listen to the song and belive me you'll be able to tell the difference^_^. 2nd: i am further splitting up the solo and melody parts using the " | " symbols. however, in most cases, these symbols are used to divide a song in to measures (you know, 4 beats ^_^) i am not using these symbols in that manner, i am using these symbols to break up the solo at parts that i think are good "break points" for easier learning. *be advised* just because a break point is present doesnt mean the break is long or even existent! 3rd: i am placing the time in which each part occurs at the start of every "break point" most tabbers but the time of the song every so often im doing it this way so you know exactly (or as close as possible)when a certain riff starts, this is so you can concentrate on parts that you have the most trouble on specifically. 4th: i am adding for many "sets" of notes so that you have a feel for whats going on. Finally im labeling the "grace notes" with a "." above their position grace notes are notes hat are played very quickly and subtly and may be hard to hear.If you are a expert guitar player and you find all this "extra" stuff annoying feel free to ignore it and do it however you like, its just there to help. well with all of my stupid rambling said and done i present to you.............Advice (FLCL version)!!!!!!! Tuning: Standard (low to high EADGBe) The whole song is done with distortion and the melody sections have a very slight wah (i think) key-------- p=pull off h=hammer on v=vibrato ~=hold/let ring /=slide up \=slide down x=scratch, mute or whatever you call it b=bend r=release *=harmonic %=pickslide T=right hand tap .=grace note -------------- Intro ----------------- 0:01 e------------------------------------| B------------------------------------| G------------------------------------| D------------------------------------| A------------------------------------| E--0-66-0-33-0-66-0-33---------------| ^guitar plays this alone then the drums come in, when the drums change, play.......) 0:11 e-----------------------------------------------| B-----------------------------------------------| G----------------------------------6-5-6-5-6-5--|(reapeat until the solos start [guitar 2 will D----88---55---88---55---88---55---6-5-6-5-6-5--| keep playing this behind the solos] the solos A----88---55---88---55---88---55---4-3-4-3-4-3--| start after this is repeated twice) E--0-66-0-33-0-66-0-33-0-66-0-33-0--------------| 8 5 ^the highest notes in each chord arent necessary (you could play them like 6 and 3 but really think they sound better with all three notes) the chords at the end are quite ive only placed a space between then so theyd be easier to read. NOTE: GUITAR 2 PLAYS THE SECOND PART OF THE INTRO BEHIND THE SOLOS AND PLAYS THE BRIDGE BEHIND THE MELODY SECTIONS!!!! solo ------------------- 0:21 0:27 . . . . . e---------15----------------------------|-----------------------------------| B--17-----19b20---17-----15-----13--12--|-6------------11---11-11-11-11-11\-| G--19b21----------19b21--17b18--15b-14b-|-8b9-886/11b--12b13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-| D---------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| A---------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| E---------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| ^this part may require some explanation when you bend the 8 to 9, you continue holding that slight bend while you pick 886, release while you slide to 11. when you get to 11 give it a little extra boost with another little bend. as for the 11, 12b13 you continue to hold the 12b13 while picking the extra 11's then slide out. solo(continued) ----------------- 0:31 T T T T T T . . . e--15p13p12-15p13p12-15p13p12-15p13p12--15p12-15p12--------------------------| B----------------------------------------------------14b15-14b15-------------| G------------------------------------------------------------------15-15-15\-| D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A----------------------------------------------------------------------------| E----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ^more explanation ^_^ (i know you hate it but in some cases it's needed) see where ive tabbed "15p13p12"? ive only written it 4 times. in the acctual song its played ^11 times^ before you play "15p12 15p12" i only did this to conserve space. The "15p12 15p12"s are extremely fast and almost sound like part of the "15p3p12"s. solo (continued, yet again ^_^) ---------------------------------- 0:36 . . . . e------------------------------------------------------------| B----21b23~~-21b23r21p19-21-21b22--21p19-19-19b20vv~~~-------| G-7----------------------------------------------------------| D-8----------------------------------------------------------| A------------------------------------------------------------| E--------------------------------------------------%%%%%%%%--| ^this is a little tough almost every note in this set is graced i didnt think i should put grace marks over all of them so i put them on the most difficult to hear: the bend release pull off combo "21b23r21p19" is extremely quick and the release pull off is done in one really fast motion so it ends up ^sounding^ like 21b23p19 with no release. the way to get this is to do the release pull off in one super fast motion so that the release gets almost no sound. the other grace notes are little notes in between phrases and may be difficult to hear. Melody section ---------------------------- 0:41 0:46 . e--------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------| B--------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------| G-------12b14-10--12b14-12-9----7\3/7--6~-5~-|-14--15--15b16b17-14-15-14-15--17b18-17---| D--/12-----------------------10--------6~-5~-|------------------------------------------| A--------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------| E--------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------| ^the 7\3/7 isnt a quick slide. each note ^no releasing on the 15b16b17 all you do is held ^ever so slightly^ before you is bend to 16, pick, then bend to 17, pick slide into the next. basically a gradual bend while picking. solo ------------ 0:51 e--15~-----15~~-----15~-----15~~-----------18~~~~~~~18~~~~~~~18~~~~~~~~18~~~~~~-----| B--19b20~--19b20~~--19b20~--19b20~~--19b20~~~~19b20~~~~19b20~~~~19b20~~~~~19b20r19--| G-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ^why are there so many "~"s? simple, the 19b21 part, let every note you pick ring out and cross-ring with the others. solo (continued) ------------------------ 0:56 e-15p12-----12h15p12-------12h15p12-------------------------12h15p12--------------------------- | B------14p11---------14p11---------14p11h14p11h14p11h14p11-----------14p11h14p11----------/20b~ | G--------------------------------------------------------------------------------12b14r/------- | D---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | E---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ^ok this part is INSANELY FAST and there was no way for me to insert break points so the best way you should go about handling this is to listen really hard for the lower "14p11"s to come up and take each part on its own then work them together. see that big long set of "14p11h14p11...etc." in the middle? there are way more "14p11h14..." than i listed there was just no way for me to count them all so youll have to try and listen really hard and figure it out on your own (sorry about that). the same thing goes for the slightly shorter set of "14p11h14p11..." after it. in truth the second set IS shorter than the second (if that provides any conselation). fortunately, the first two "14p11"s are the right amount and all of the "15 12 things" are too. depending on your browser this section might appear messed up because i was so pressed for space here. if it appears messed up see the "fixed versions" section at the end of the tab. solo (continued) ------------------- 1:01 . . e-----------------------------------------------------------------------| B-20\--------------------------------------------------------------17\--| G-----------18b20~~~~~~~18b20--18b20--18b20--18b20--18b20-18b20r---16\--| D-----------------------------------------------------------------------| A-----------------------------------------------------------------------| E-----------------------------------------------------------------------| ^the very first 20 here isnt acctually picked what it is, is a slide out from the 20b picked in the last set. the ^last two^ "18b20"s are done by quickly releasing the second to the last then quickly re-bending and instantly releasing it. one thing to remember is the release on the second to last "18b20" isnt acctually heard so your basically just re-bending the note then realeasing it. solo (continued) ---------------------- 1:05 . . e-----------------------------------------/19b20~----20*-20*------------------------| B-16b17--16b17--16b17-----------17b18/----/19b20~-----------------------------------| G-16b17--16b17--16b17--17b18r-x-16b17/----------------------------------------------| D-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A----------------------------------------------------------------%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-| E-------------------------------------------------------------0--%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-| ^all of the first 3 "16b17"s are re-bends (meaning you bend then up from thier normal pitch each time with sounding the release) the scratch (or whatever you call it) is extremely quiet and subtle so youll have to listen closely to hear it (or you could just ignore it^_^) the "0" on the end is instantly after the "20*" and may be difficult to hear.(you could also ignore that too if you want) solo (continued) -------------------- 1:11 1:15 1:17 1:19 .... .... e---------------------------------------------------|-----------|------|----------------| B---------------------------------------------------|-----------|------|-17b19~~~-------| G---------------------------------------------------|-----------|------|-17b19~~~-------| D--------------%%%%%%%%%%%----------%%%%%%%%--------|-xxxx-xxxx-|------|----------------| A---%%%%%%%%%--%%%%%%%%%%%--%%%%%%%-%%%%%%%%--------|-xxxx-xxxx-|-%%%%-|-----------%%%%%| E---%%%%%%%%%---------------%%%%%%%-----------------|-xxxx-xxxx-|-%%%%-|-----------%%%%%| ^ this part is almost impossble to tab all it really is, is tons of picksliding. at around 1:15 i didnt hear anymore picksliding and picked up on the scratches the srcatches should be muted heavily around the 7th fret with your whole left hand so you get a fat, dead, chunky sound rather than a harmonic. theres also more scratches than listed but scince its all the same why waste space? the "17b19"s start at the ^very^ end of 1:18 so close that it might acctually change to 1:19 when it starts so i makred 1:19. Bridge (guitar 2) -------------------- 1:21 e-11111111-55555555-66666666------------------ | \ B-11111111-55555555-66666666-13b14-12b13--|--- | G-22222222-66666666-77777777--------------| -- |x2 D-33333333-77777777-88888888--------------|--- | A-33333333-77777777-88888888--------------|--- | E-11111111-55555555-66666666------------------ | / Bridge (guitar 1) -------------------- 1:21 e-------------------------------------------------- | \ B----------------------------66666666-55555555-|--- | G----------------------------66666666-55555555-| -- |x2 D-33333333-77777777-88888888-44444444-33333333-|--- | A-33333333-77777777-88888888-------------------|--- | E-11111111-55555555-66666666----------------------- | / ^ahh finally a chace to give those fingers a rest! not too much explanation needed here. guitar 2 plays the bridge behind every melody section. both guitars are playing these parts at the same time. Bridge (continued) -------------------- 1:30 e-------------------------------------------------- | \ B----------------------------------------------|--- | G----------------------------------6-5-6-5-6-5-| -- |x2 D---88---55---88---55---88---55----6-5-6-5-6-5-|--- | A---88-0-55---88---55---88---55----4-3-4-3-4-3-|--- | E-0-66-0-33-0-66-0-33-0-66-0-33-0------------------ | / ^nothing to say here just the same as before both guitars can do it or guitar one can use it as a break. Bridge (continued) / solo / pre-melody (i dont know how to classify it becase its like in the middle of everything.....so we'll just call it the before, melody, after bridge thing ^_^ ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:40 e-----------------------------------------------------------------| B-----------------------------------------------------------------| G--------------------------------h15~~~~~~~~~~~~h15~~~~~~~~~~~~---| D-----------------------------------------------------------------| A--h13~~~~~~~~~~~~h13~~~~~~~~~~~~---------------------------------| E-----------------------------------------------------------------| ^OK this might be the only commentary that is acctually nescessary to get the sound right in truth i know these sounds are really done with feedback and a tremolo effect but if you dont have a tremolo effect you can immitate the sound by hammering on the 13th fret, "A" string with your left hand. and with your right hand,repeatedly flip the toggle switch on your guitar from the bridge pickups (the very back) to the neck pickups (the very front) as fast as you can. constantly flip the toggle switch back and fouth between the bridge and neck positions as fast as you can while hammering on the notes with your left hand. hit each note only once and let each note ring for about 2-3 seconds (after a little while youll get a feel for how it sounds) melody section -------------------- 1:50 1:55 . e--------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| B--------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| G-------12b14-10--12b14-12-9-----7/3---9b11--10b12-|-13b14r--10--12--17b19--17--6~-5~--| D--/12-----------------------10--------------------|----------------------------6~-5~--| A--------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| E--------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| ^this whole part is very relaxed on the "7/3" hold ^this is also really relaxed the 7 for a brief moment then slide (listen to the nothing much to say. song and youll hear it) melody section (continued) ------------------------------ 2:00 2:05 e----------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| B------------------18-20-18-21b22-21b22r-18-20~|-20b21-18~-21b22-20-17~-20-18b-15~-----| G-14-15-15b16b17-------------------------------|---------------------------------------| D----------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| A----------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| E----------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| ^nothing is really rushed here, its all pretty ^here ive placed "~" where the little relaxed...listen to the song and you get what breaks in the phrase are...technically i mean...you dont hear any release on the its the right use... "15b16b17" and the release on the 21b22r is very slight and may be somewhat difficult to hear. ending ---------------- 2:08 e-------------| B-------------| G--6~-5~---2--| D--6~-5~---3--| A----------3--| 6 5 E----------1--| 6 5 6 5 ^if you want you can play the 6, 5 as 4, 3 (power chords) to make the end seem bigger the final "F" chord can be played as a full chord or a power chord too if you want its all up to you!!!! ^_^ Well thats it! i hope you enjoyed learning / playing the song!!! i worked really hard on it so if you have the time i'd really appreciate some feedback any corrections / comments / compliments / suggestions are all welocome. tell me what you liked or didnt like about the tab.....email me at [email protected] if there is a song by the pillows that you havent seen on "instant music" ( http://home.cfl.rr.com/pirouzu/ ) send me a request at the addresss listed and ill do my best to tab it out and ill post it on instant music!! FIXED VERSIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if for some reason the tab is messed up due to a file transfer or something else and you want to learn the song that bad to where your willing to e-mail me and tell me about it ill send you a "fixed version" of the tab so you can learn the song (though i dont know any one who would want it so bad that theyd be willing to e-mail me about it ^_^ ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY ERRORS IN SPELLING, GRAMMAR, INACURACIES OF THE TAB AND ANY OVER USE OR ABUSE OF THE SMILEY FACES ( ^_^ )!!! THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!! ALEX ATHERTON (DAMNYOUSPYVAN)
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