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Pink Floyd
The Scarecrow

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Подбор прислал: protuberant
Pink Floyd - The Scarecrow (Barrett)
    D               A             C        A   G
The black and green scarecrow, as ev'ryone knows,

             A                   D          A
Stood with a bird on his hat and straw ev'rywhere.

He didn't care.

   G          Am          G      A
He stood in a field where barley grows.

    D           A             C           A  G
His head did no thinking, his arms didn't move,

                A                     D         A            D
Except when the wind cut up rough and mice ran around on the ground.

   G          Am          G      A
He stood in a field where barley grows.

    D               A            C           A  G
The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me__.

               A                            D            A
But now he's resigned to his fate's, 'cause life's not unkind.

He doesn't mind.

   G          Am          G      A
He stood in a field where barley grows.

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