Received: from by (5.65c/M1.4) with SMTP id ; Thu, 18 Mar 1993 16:38:39 -0800 Received: from by id ; Thu, 18 Mar 1993 16:38:36 -0800 Received: by (5.61/1.34) id AA07794; Thu, 18 Mar 93 19:24:01 EST Date: Thu, 18 Mar 93 19:24:01 EST From: (Mark Schnitzius) Message-Id: To: [I've included the bass part as it is kind of vital to this song. Beginners -- you can emulate it on guitar by ignoring your high E and B strings] [Also, any further requests for Pixies songs, let me know -- I'm in a groove, it may not last long.] =============================================================== 'Debaser' By the Pixies From the 'Doolittle' album Bass only (intro) |--------------------------------- |--------------------------------- |-1-1-1-1---------3-3-3-3--------- |---------1-1-1-1---------1-1-1-1- Guitar |-8--8--10-8--8--8--10-8--8--8--10-8--8--8--10-8--| |-8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--| |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| | | |Bass | |-------------------------------------------------| |-0--0--0--0--------------------------------------| |-------------0--0--0--0--1--1--1--1--3--3--3--3--| |-------------------------------------------------| Guitar |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| |-3-------2--------------3--------2---------0-----| |------------------3------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| | | |Bass | |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------0--0--0--0--| |-------------0--0--0--0--3--3--3--3--------------| |-1--1--1--1--------------------------------------| Guitar |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------3--2--3--0--------------| |-3-------2--------3------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| | | |Bass | |-------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------| |-1--1--1--1--3--3--3--3--------------------3--3--| |-------------------------3--3--3--3--------------| [Repeat] F Bb G Bb F Got .. Bb G Bb F Slicing .. Bb G Bb F Girlie .. Bb G Bb Don't .. F Bb G Bb chien .. F Bb G Bb chien .. F Bb G Bb chien .. F Bb G chien .. [Chorus] Bb Wanna .. Bb F C F Dm Am Bb C Be a .. [Back to intro riff] [Repeat first verse, replace 'I want you to know' with 'ha ha ha ho'] [Chorus again, with same chords, slightly different form on words] [Repeat ad lib with chord progression from verses, end on F]
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