From Thu Nov 11 10:57:55 1993 Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 11:57:27 -0500 The Holiday Song intro: c-d-b-c with high e drone that little nifty melody line that begins each verse is : c b a g eg eg a / c b a g eg e b c... the chords for the verse go: A C F C A C F C well .. A C F C A F C F about .. chorus: G F A C F C this .. G F but .. D f# g a g f# here .. i guess that pretty much sums it up; i would not want to desecrate any one's interpretation of the other verse(s) or the solo by documenting them here. oh yes, the chords at the end go A C F A instead of ACFC. sincerely, len hunt From: Leonard James Hunt Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1993 14:14:18 -0500 Subject: PIXIES CORRECTION hey yinz, i made a mistake, i think, in my notation of the holiday song. in fact, it was in that nifty little melody that begins each verse. it SHOULD have read: thanks for not all jumping down my throat immediately for my misguided interpretation. have a good day, len
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