STREETS OF LONDON (Trad., Arr. Ralph McTell) The hardest thing about this tune is not the music - which is basically simple 4/4 with alternating bass for each chord - but the timing while singing the choruses and the last verse. I've tried to indicate phrasing by commas and line spacing, and I repeat chords when they cover two measures. Maybe it's not *that* difficult, after all. :-) If you're really stuck, find someone from back home to sing it for you. A truly beautiful, three-hanky tune. VERSE: C G Am Em Have .. F C D7 G7 picking .. C G Am Em In his .. F C G7 C yesterday's .. CHORUS: C F Em C Am So how .. D7 D7 G G7 and .. C G Am Em Let me .. F C G7 C C I'll .. OTHER VERSES: submitted by: Ted Hermary [email protected]
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