Ramones Album: Ramones Let's Dance Tabbed by Green Clash I saw the tab for this song and... didn't really no what's going on there. So, here's my idea of what the song is supposed to be played like. I'm very sure this is right. Also, play the chord I tell you to play until it's time to change. Verse e|------------------------------| B|------------------------------| G|----5--12--7--5--7--5--12-----| D|-5--5--12--7--5--7--5--12-----| A|-5--3--10--5--3--5--3--10-----| E|-3----------------------------| Interlude e|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|-12-----7--10--5-----7--5--7--5--12-| D|-12--9--7--10--5--5--7--5--7--5--12-| A|-10--9--5---8--3--5--5--3--5--3--10-| E|-----7------------3-----------------| Order: Verse x2 Interlude Verse x2
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