Title: Sesame Street (Heavy Metal) Tabbed by: Joel Estes When Tabbed: 25 November 2000 I was playing the Sesame Street theme on my guitar and realized it'd be cool if dropped in D and played like that.. You can add distortion and palm mutes wherever you want and it sounds great its just a little novelty thing to have and it gets a laugh.. Tuning (low to high): DADGBe e----------------------------------------------------------------| B----------------------------------------------------------------| G----------------------------------------------------------------| D-10--7--3--3--5--7--10--7--3--10--7--3--3--5--7--9--10--12--10--| A-10--7--3--3--5--7--10--7--3--10--7--3--3--5--7--9--10--12--10--| D-10--7--3--3--5--7--10--7--3--10--7--3--3--5--7--9--10--12--10--| e----------------------------------------------------------------| B----------------------------------------------------------------| G----------------------------------------------------------------| D-12--13--12--10--7--5--5--7--8--7--5--9--9--9-------------------| A-12--13--12--10--7--5--5--7--8--7--5--9--9--9-------------------| D-12--13--12--10--7--5--5--7--8--7--5--9--9--9-------------------| All you have to get is the timing.. i know it looks kinda complex so thats why i'm also tabbing out the original Sesame Street theme. It may look corny at first.. but this song really does get a laugh.. especially when dropped in D and played with distortion.. Take it easy guys.. keep rocking.. Joel Estes Email me at [email protected] Check out the Jurassic Park theme song as well
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