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The Police
Bring On The Night

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Подбор прислал:
Bring On The Night
The Police

  Em                       D                             C
The afternoon has gently passed me by
                                     Em       D           G
The evening spreads its sail against the sky
                           D                           Em
Waiting for tomorrow, just another day
                 C                      D
God bid yesterday good-bye


G                    A    Am
Bring on the night
                          Em                       D
I couldnt spend another hour of daylight
G                   A       Am
Bring on the night
                            Em                      D
I couldnt stand another hour of daylight

(Other Lyrics) (Use same patterns)
The future is but a question mark
Hangs above my head, there in the dark
Cant see for the brightness is staring me blind
God bid yesterday good-bye

Bring on the night
I couldnt spend another hour of daylight
Bring on the night
I couldnt stand another hour of daylight

I couldnt spend another hour of daylight
I couldnt stand another hour of daylight

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