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The Kooks
Nothing Ever Changes

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Подбор прислал:
Hey, this is a great song off the Rak album (better song than most on Konk) and i hope 
enjoy playing it :)

Tab by supermassive11

Intro: Bm, G, A

Bm                    G         A
I'd like to meet the girl I'm gonna marry
Bm                    G         A
I'd like to meet the girl I'm going to see
Em           G     A
nothing ever changes in me

Bm, G, A

Bm                   G      A
but you ain't got nothin, nothin on me
Bm                   G      A
the way everybody loves me I wish you could see
Em          G      A
nothin ever change,see me

Bm, G, A

G        A         Bm
but I've got to be free

but I've got to be free
G        A
oh I've got to be free

Bm, G, A x2

Like I said a long time a go things they come and things they go
Em       G    A
nothin ever change in me
Bm             G             A       Bm          
you make me hungry then you make me see oh how happy my life can be but oh
Em          G     A
nothin ever change in me

G     A        Bm
I've go to be free


G     A        Bm
oh I've got to be free
G     A        Bm
oh I've got to be free-hee
G     A        Bm
oh I've got to be free-he
oh I've got to be free

Другие подборы этого исполнителя

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