From: Billy Subject: u/u2/ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 05:03:04 -0300 U2 If God Will Send His Angels Transcribed by Billy Pelegrina As recorded in album U2 Pop Ok here's U2's If God Will Send His Angels. There was a short version of this song and i just kept on waiting for someone to transcribe it, but as no one did, i had to do it On most of the song you must play the Rhythm Figures. If you want it to sound exactly as in the CD, follow the Ryhtm Figures, but I also provided the chords as playing only the riff is pretty boring. Remember that when no rhythm figure is mentioned you must play the chords Rhyt. Fig. 1 With Wah Wah D#m7 D#m E|------------------|------------------| B|--7-------7-------|-7-------7--------| G|----6---6---6---6-|---8---8---8---8--| D|------8-------8---|-----8-------8----| A|------------------|------------------| E|------------------|------------------| Rhy. Fig 2 E|----------------------------------------| B|-------------------------11-------------| G|--11--11--11--13--11-13------13--11-----| D|-------------------------------------13-| A|----------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------| Rhy. Fig. 3 E|-----------------|------------------------------| B|-----------------|------------------------------| G|----------11-----|--------11-------------11-----| D|--11--13------13-|-11--13----13--11--13------13-| A|-----------------|------------------------------| E|-----------------|------------------------------| Rhy. Fig 1 or just arpeggiate the chords D#m7 D#m Nobody .. No .. nobody .. nobody .. C# D#m Its .. C# D#m It's .. F# C# D#m C# Hey .. F# C# D#m C# and .. D#m C# D#m and .. Rhy Fig 1 would ... Rhy. Fig 2 F# C# D#m B God .. F# C# D#m B Would .. F# C# D#m B it's .. F# C# D#m hangin' ... See ... see .. jesus .. the .. C# D#m It's ... C# D#m it's .. B F#m C# So .. D#m C# Whats .. F# C# D#m C# Does .. C# D#m the .. C# D#m and .. Rhy. Fig 2 F# C# D#m C# Hey .. F# C# D#m C# and ... F# C# D#m and .. D#m Where .. On the bridge an acoustic guitar plays the chorus chords while the Bass Guitar Plays: G|------------|-----------4-| D|----3-4-6---|---3-4-6-----| A|--4-------4-|-4-------4---| E|------------|-------------| Rhy Fig 3. Use the Wah-Wah on this part and just play these chords D#m7 D#m Jesus .. you .. then .. now .. C# D#m It's .. C# D#m But ... Rhy. Fig 2 F# C# D#m C# Hey .. F# C# D#m C# I .. F# C# D#m C# Well .. C# D#m Where .. (scat Singing) Now the bass does the same stuff than before, and there is some kinda hammond on the background which you can simply play: E|--13-11-9-11--| and then: E|-------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------| G|------11-------------11-------------11-----| A|--13------13--11-13------13--11-13------13-| A|-------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------| This is similar to Rhytm Fig. 3 but it isnt's so litsen to it carefully And fade away If you have any suggestions email me at [email protected]
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