[3 files] From: [email protected] (Matthew Jon Hall) Subject: mysterious_ways.tab (Correction) Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 20:24:51 -0400 (EDT) Mysterious Ways --------------- by U2 transcribed by Matt Hall This tab comes with a long-winded introduction. Sorry, just clip it off before you print it. I bought my first guitar about 10 months ago. 6 months later I bought a Boss MT-2 MetalZone (nice pedal by the way). Still, I couldn't play Mysterious Ways and make it sound even close to being right. The problem was two-fold. First off, the tab file that I got from Nevada sounds nothing like it's supposed to on my guitar. I'm wondering if anybody else has made it work and if not, how does the original tabber have his guitar tuned Secondly, this song has never (to my knowlege; and I own the Zoocoustic bootleg) been played by U2 acoustically. There's a reason for that-- it would sound horrible. I actually solved the second problem first. I recently bought a DigiTech RP-10 and after toying with it for a few days I found a factory preset that sounded similar to Edge's setup on M.W. I quickly whipped out my printout of the tab from Nevada. I still couldn't get it to sound right. But being such a novice, I figured that the tab was right and it was still a problem with my setup. So I tweaked the factory preset until I got closer to Edge's sound. Still, no luck. Finally I started playing around with the chords from Nevada and listening to the CD as I played. After a couple hours of modification, I have finally come up with a setup and tablature that is correct. I even watched the ZooTV video version of the song and did a freeze frame on Edge's hands. Yep, barre chord at the 7th fret. :) My guitar is tuned down a half-step as usual. Edge's might be too since my version sounds identical to his. For those of you who have an RP-10 or something similar, here's my program. Based on Classic 70s Dirt Preset (renamed to Mysterious Ways of course): Phaser - BigVerb (Comp Dist NGt - MLvL PEQ CabEm - Pha 2x3 Big - 4x2 MMIX) Compression: 10 Amount, 4 Level Distortion: Grunge Type, 1.0 Gain, 4.0 Level Noise Gate: On Phaser: 90 Level, 66% Regeneration, 0.80Hz Speed, 80 Depth, Sine Cabinet: Off PEQ: various I think the important thing is the phaser. And keep in mind that I haven't even been playing guitar for a year now and have only owned my RP-10 for a couple days so these settings could use some further tweaking. Now for the tab. I don't have the entire song or the solo, but if you get the intro part to work, you can easily figure out the rest of it. e |-------------------x--x----x--x-----------| B |-------------------x--x----x--x-----------| G |----8---------8----x--x----x--x--(7h9)----| D |----9---------9----x--x----x--x---7h9-----| A |----9---------9----x--x----x--x-----------| E |----7---------7----x--x----x--x-----------| The notes in paranthesis and sorta optional. You can also play the barre chord as a power chord (i.e. don't play the G string) and it sounds alright. The rest of the the song is just variations around the the 7th fret E-shape barre chord. Remember that the hammer on after all the muting stuff is based on a 7th fret A-shape barre chord. Here are some more riffs to play around with in case you can't come up with other parts of the song on your own. Verse e |------------------------------------------| B |----9-9-9----7-7-7----5-5-5----7-7-7------| G |----9-9-9----7-7-7----5-5-5----7-7-7------| D |----9-9-9----7-7-7----5-5-5----7-7-7------| A |----7-7-7----5-5-5----3-3-3----5-5-5------| E |------------------------------------------| She loves you, you don't know why... (each of these sounds like the start of the intro) e |------------------------------------------| B |------------------------------------------| G |----8-8---10-10----11-11----13-13---------| D |----9-9---11-11----12-12----14-14---------| A |----9-9---11-11----12-12----14-14---------| E |----7-7----9--9----10-10----12-12---------| There's some sort of solo or interlude that follows this part somewhere. It seems to be based on the 12th fret E shape barre chord that the above riff finishes on. Well, that's most of it. I'm not good enough to play the solo yet but if somebody else has it, feel free to add to this. As for the version that is on Nevada right now, it may have some parts that are correct (the chords are probably right) but I just can't get it to sound right. If anybody uses this and has ANY comments (good or bad) or corrections, I'd love to hear about it. I'm hoping that this will be useful to somebody but I wouldn't be surprised if somebody flames me because they think the existing version is correct. :) ---- VERSION 2 Matt ([email protected]) From: [email protected] (Mad Maff) Subject: TAB: U2 - Myst Ways Live+Solo The Nevada tab doesn't quite seem right, so I thought I'd have a go at this tabbing game. P.S. whoever wrote the original, I am not discrediting you, Post is better than no Post. MYSTERIOUS WAYS (live with solo) - U2 This is for people learning to play the guitar (inc. me) I know this is not going to be *very* acurate, but someone posted REQing for live solos, and I sort of worked this out. This is basically so I understand it myself, but if it helps others (and they let me know, by sending me an E-mail amp; their fav. song name) then thats cool. The basic sound, I call it the chowowow, is created by using a wah peddle If you have not got one, go out and get one (go for a second hand one - Yes I am a student, better sound, for a lower price). All you need after that is some sort of distortion, the overdrive on my tiny amp works quite well. The shape that you make the chowowow with, is EADGBE chowowow 686766 -- Use your index finger to bar on the sixth fret Now if holding this pattern is o.k. for you, try moving it to different places on the board, as this is basically all Edge does throughout the song After chowowow theres a sound that goes chucka-chowah, the chucka part is played by lifting your fingers, so that you do not fret, but mute the strings. The -chowah is played by moving the chowowow shape down two half steps to the 4th fret, and slide up to 5th fret as you play it. O.K. I'll try and tab it now. This is called RIFF A with extensive use of wah peddle E--6---6-----x---x---4/5----- B--6---6-----x---x---4/5----- G--7---7-----x---x---5/6----- D--6---------x---x---4/5----- A--8---------x---x---6/7----- E--6---------x---x---4/5----- | | | chowowow chucka -chowah Get the idea O.K. The Song is RIFF A (x8) 6th -- Means play that shape on the sixth fret -- There is no guitar during the verses Johnny ... with .. let .. to .. you've .. eating .. you've .. from .. 6th Shes .. 11th you're .. 6th shes ... 11th when .. 6th 11th 11th 9th It's .. 4th She ... REPEAT ABOVE RIFF A (x4) 6th verse 6th She's .. 11th She .. 6th 11th She .. 6th 11th 11th 9th It's .. 4th She .. REPEAT ABOVE I can't remember if this 16-18 stuff is in the live version or not. Guitar Solo: E-16-18-16-18-16-18-16-18-16-18------- B------------------------------------- G------------------------------------- D------------------------------------- A------------------------------------- E------------------------------------- (Repeat above riff 5 times) E-10-10-10-10-10-10-11-10--8---------- B------------------------------------- G------------------------------------- D------------------------------------- A------------------------------------- E------------------------------------- (Repeat above riff 6 times) (Give plenty of wah peddle on this) Now for an approximation of the *live* solo. E-------------------|-------------------- B-12/18-18-18-18-16-|-14-13-14-13-11-9--- G-------------------|-------------------- D-------------------|-------------------- A-------------------|-------------------- E-------------------|-------------------- *Play this 3 times* E-------------------|----------------18-16-15-16-18-- B-12/18-18-18-18-16-|-12/18-18-18-18----------------- G-------------------|-------------------------------- D-------------------|-------------------------------- A-------------------|-------------------------------- E-------------------|-------------------------------- *Play this 2 times* E----18----18----18----18----18----18----20(bend)-18-16-15-16-15-13- B-18----18----18----18----18----18---------------------------------- G------------------------------------------------------------------- D------------------------------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott A. Yanoff U2 Mysterious Ways (From the album Achtung Baby) --------------- Capo 8th Fret (Heavy distortion recommended) Intro/transitions: (Repeated about 9 times) E-------------------------------------- B------11-11--------------------------- G------10-10--------------------------- D----8--8--8--------------------------- A-11----------------------------------- E-------------------------------------- (Note: the above is basically the Bb chord played on a few strings) (Note: chords given below generally are played by an organ in background) Johnny ... Bb With .. Eb Let .. Bb To ... F You've .. Bb Eating .. Eb You've .. Bb From ..) F Chorus: (the chorus basically just switches back between the Bb and Eb chords) E--------------11-11-|----------------- B------11-11---11-11-|----------------- G------10-10----8--8-|----------------- D-------8--8---------|----------------- A--------------------|----------------- E--------------------|----------------- (Bb) (Eb) (So, when you see Bb or Eb, play the above chord formations, respectively) She's .. Bb You're .. Eb She'll .. Bb When ... Eb It's .. Bb Eb She .. Db Ab It's .. Bb Eb She .. Db Ab verse bridge chorus Guitar Solo: E-16-18-16-18-16-18-16-18-16-18------- B------------------------------------- G------------------------------------- D------------------------------------- A------------------------------------- E------------------------------------- (Repeat above riff 5 times) E-10-10-10-10-10-10-11-10--8---------- B-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11---------- G-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10---------- D------------------------------------- A------------------------------------- E------------------------------------- (Repeat above riff 6 times) (Note: this is just a play on the Bb chord) Bridge: (Strum each chord once, and let ring) One day you'll look back Bb-minor Eb And .. Bb-minor Where You .. Ab By .. Bb While You .. Eb There And .. Db Follow .. Ab It's .. She .. It's .. We .. Spirit .. She .. She .. Lift .. Db Ab Bb CHORD FORMATIONS: (Remember the capo on 8th fret ) Bb x x 8 10 11 10 (D chord formation) Eb 11 10 8 8 11 11 (G/D chord formation) F x 8 10 10 10 x (A chord formation) Db 9 11 11 10 9 9 (E chord formation, bar first finger across 9th fret) Ab 8 11 10 8 9 x (C chord formation) Bb-m x x 8 10 11 9 (Dm chord formation)
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