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Van Morrison
Into the mystic (аккорды)

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From: R.K.Harding 

			I N T O   T H E   M Y S T I C

			       by Van Morrison

			  from the album Moondance

			Chords amp; Lyrics Transposed by
				 Ryan Harding

			With thanks to  Andrew Jerrim
			Jake Cockcroft, Martin Morrey
			and  Joey  Albert  for  their
			valuable contributions


	We were born ...
	Also younger ...
	'Ere the bonny boat ...
     Bb                     Eb
	As we sailed into ...

	Hark, now, hear the ..
	Smell the ...
	Let your soul ...
     Bb          Eb
	Into the ...

Gm			       Ab	    Eb
	When that foghorn blows,  I will be ....
Gm			    Ab		  Bb
	When that foghorn blows, I wanna hear ...
     Bb     Eb
	And I  wanna rock ...
	Just like way ...
	And magnificently ...
     Bb          Eb
	Into the mys...

{TWO-SAX SOLO}   Eb ...  Bb ...  Eb

Gm			    Am  Eb
	When that foghorn blows,  you know ...
Gm    Ab				    Bb
	And when that foghorn whistle blows,   ....
	And I wanna rock ...
	Just like way back in ...
	And together we ...
Bb		 Eb
	Into the mystic ...

{TWO-SAX SOLO}   Eb ...  Bb ...  Eb

	      Eb			Bb     Eb
	........ Too late to stop ...{THE END}


Original chord fingerings:
Van appears to have used a capo on the 3rd fret so the Eb is played as C, Bb is
played as G, Ab as F and Gm as Em:

	  E A D G B e
Eb chord: 0 3 2 0 1 0

Bb chord: 3 2 0 0 0 3

Ab chord: 1 3 3 2 1 1

Gm chord: 0 2 2 0 0 0

Optional chord fingerings: (without capo)
	  E A D G B e
Eb chord: 6 6 8 8 8 6

Bb chord: 6 8 8 7 6 6

Gm chord: 3 3 5 5 4 3

Ab chord: 4 6 6 5 4 4

If playing the C, G, Em, F shapes with a capo, the fills become easier to play.
For example the intro can be played by playing the C-shape Eb major and hammer-
ing onto the 4th string (D string),  then using the 3rd fret on the same string
to play the final note of the fill.    I personally tend to use the 2nd and 3rd
frets on the treble-e string (string 1) to play the fill leading into the lines
When that foghorn blows....  Experiment with it.

As with nearly all of Van's songs, the timing of the lyrics seems free-form and
doesn't tie in with obvious beats in the rhythm.   What's important is that you
sing a word when you feel it's right,  so don't worry if you end up playing the 
chord above one word when you're singing another.   You will probably  want  to 
add a few treble notes to some  of  the  chords  to  match  the  original  tune
(especially the G minor chords).   Unfortunately, most of us don't have two sax
players on hand when we need them, so those gorgeous sax solos will be missing.
That's life I'm afraid.


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